1.How Interrogative Pronouns Ru,Ruo and Ruowei Originated in Middle Ancient Chinese;中古新生疑问代词“如”、“”、“为”及其来源
2."Yng,Zheng,Ruo and yong" are characters in the line statements on oracle bone inscriptions found in Hua Dong.花东甲骨中的繇辞主要有永、正、、用等,它们或为单字,单独使用,或为多字联合使用。

1.Paradox plowed into paradox, stillness mixed with stillness, sound with sound.万寂交而万籁和,假,非。
2.He always keeps at arm's length with his friends.他和朋友总是离。
3.The villages were now visible, now invisible.村落恍惚,无,
4."It means that when a ruler's subjects get it they turn distraught, when they lose it they turn distraught. That is what is meant by saying favour and disgrace goad as it were to madness."" 得之惊, 失之惊; 是谓宠辱惊."
5.I'll eat my hat...假。。。我情愿受罚
6.if it were not for; without无..的话(现在式)
7.If A is equal to D, A plus B equals D plus B.A=d,则A+B=d+B
8.if it had not been for; without ..无..的话(过去式)
9.I shall esteem it (as) a favor if..蒙…,不胜感谢。
10.Please correct any errors that you find.有差错, 请斧正。
11.Cautious speech averts eavesdropping. Cautious behavior arrests gossip.欲杜人之口,莫自己谨言;欲塞人之耳,莫自己慎行。
12.The actor can work the audience up into a fever of excitement.这个演员能使观众变得狂。
13."If I have gone in false ways, or my foot has been quick in working deceit;"我与虚谎同行,脚追随诡诈。
14.If not, then does it really matter if she loves you back or not?非如此,那她不爱你是否有关系?
15.If you can pass the exam, you'd kick up your heels.你能考试及格,你会欣喜狂的。
16.Tiny crocuses peeked through the snow in March.小的番红花在三月的雪中
17.A victorious army opposed to a routed one, is as a pound's weight placed in the scale against a single grain.故胜兵以镒称铢,败兵以铢称镒。
18.She perceived any uncertainty in their welcome.她已察觉出他们对她的态度离。

maintaining a lukewarm若即若离
1.Second,maintaining a lukewarm relationship.西安事变前杨虎城与中共的关系可分为两个阶段:第一阶段为密切合作阶段,杨虎城重用共产党员,大革命失败后保护共产党员,与共产党员谢葆真结婚,并提出了加入共产党的要求;第二阶段为离阶段,由于中共“左”倾错误,拒绝杨虎城入党要求,在杨虎城军队中搞兵变,迫使杨虎城一方面与中共合作,另一方面又不得不与中共保持一定的距离。
1.Geological Characteristics and Mineralization Prediction of the Hongshijing Gold Deposit in Ruoqiang, Xinjiang;新疆羌县红十井金矿地质特征及深部成矿预测
2.The Crustal Structure and Velocity Feature from Ruoqiang-Altai Seismic Profile in Xin jiang Region;羌-阿勒泰区域剖面的速度特征和地壳结构
1.Properties of esterase from different instars of Oxya chinensis nymphs;中华稻蝗虫不同龄期酯酶的特性
2.Correlation between 20-hydroxyecdysone levels and cuticulogenesis in nymphs of Haemaphysalis longicornis;长角血蜱虫发育期20-羟基蜕皮酮含量变化与表皮发生的关系
3.Taxonomic study on nymphs of Delphacidae (Homoptera:Fulgoroidea) from China Ⅱ Sogatella;中国飞虱科虫分类研究Ⅱ白背飞虱属(同翅目:蜡蝉总科)
1.Descriptions of male and nymphs of Gamasellus vibrissatus Emberson(Acari:Mesostigmata:Rhodacaridae);毛真革赛螨雄螨和螨描述(蜱螨亚纲:中气门目:胭螨科)
2.Result of gamma irradiation on eggs and nymphs of citrus rust mite(Phyllocoptruta oleivora Ashmead) showed that 100 Gy caused direct death of eggs and the alive eggs with hatching failure.用60Coγ-射线辐射处理柑橘锈螨的卵和螨,结果表明:100 Gy处理即可造成柑橘锈螨卵的直接死亡,且未死亡的卵均不能孵化;100 Gy处理即可使第1龄螨完全致死;150 Gy处理即可造成第2龄螨完全不育;300 Gy处理即可使第2龄螨完全致死。
6)Pollia japonica Thunb杜若
1.Meiosis Studies of Pollia japonica Thunb. (Commelinaceae);鸭跖草科杜(Pollia japonica Thunb.)的减数分裂研究

2,4,6-三叔丁若亚硝基苯CAS: 24973-59-9 分子式: C18H29NO 分子量: 275.43 熔点: 172-173℃ 中文名称: 2,4,6-三叔丁若亚硝基苯 英文名称: 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylnitrosobenzene