1.Images related to "chariot" in Yi and the Daoist School;易、道相关""象索隐

1.The Counselors,the Counselors Opinions and Public Opinions;“人”、“人之论”与“论”
2.Public opinion is unequal to propagandas or report.公众论不等于新闻论或论宣传。
3.the bar of conscience [public opinion]良心 [论] 的制裁
4.manipulate stocks [public opinion]操纵股市 [论]
5.A Study about Public Opinion in Internet Forum;论网络论坛中的论形成与论引导
6.Response of Mass Media to Public Opinion;论之舌——大众传媒应对现代
7.Further Study on Public Opinion and Public Opinion Supervision;论与论监督:正义、公正与制衡
8.Reflect Public Opinion and Refine Information System反映社会情 做好情信息工作
9.In considering public opinion, the Achesons have mixed up the public opinion of the reactionaries with that of the people.艾奇逊们对于论的看法,混淆了反动派的论和人民的论。
10.Don't neglect the tremendous might of public opinion.不要忽视论的威力。
11.indurate to public opinion对于群众论置之不理
12.maintain the correct orientation for public opinion坚持正确的论导向
13.The government has not yielded to public opinion.政府并未向论让步.
14.We have to appeal to public opinion.我们必须诉诸论。
15.The prevalent opinion is in favour of reform.一般论都支持改革.
16.A person who tries to control public opinion.力图控制公共论的人
17.be given/have a good/bad press受到论界的好评[批评]
18.The papers protested against the measure.论界抗议这一策略。

Public opinion舆论
1.New Condition of Public Opinion:Integrating New Media and Traditional Media;新老媒体结合 造就论新格局
2.Exactly understand and exert the public opinion force of campus newspaper of colleges and universities;正确认识和发挥高校报的论影响力
1.The layout of TianYuan Di Fang and the emphasis on geomancy fully embody the religious system and moral principles because the quadrangles divide people with space division and show the moral order with the architectural order.天圆地方的建筑布局,讲究堪的营建,充分体现了中国的宗教制度和伦理教化,以空间的等级区分出人群的等级,以建筑的秩序展示了伦理的秩序。
2.He is not only a famous man of letters, a linguis, a mythologist ,but also a profound scholar in divination and geomancy.他不仅是著名的文学家、语言学家、神话学家 ,而且被奉为术数大师、堪之祖。
4)public sentiment舆情
1.Analysis on impact of media on public sentiment during public emergency;公共突发事件中媒体情作用分析
2.The complicated network public sentiment on Internet imposes a new challenge on the political and ideological work in universities and colleges.复杂的网络情给高校的思想政治工作提出了新的挑战,保障高校信息文化安全势在必行。
3.Harmonious society needs harmonious public sentiment.和谐社会需要和谐情,而不和谐情不仅是社会问题的反映,还将直接影响或感染人们的思想情绪,对社会和谐产生负效应。
1.The Mutual Enhance between the Mass Medium and the Consensus;试论大众传媒与论的互动
2.The Research on Journalism Consensus Ideologies of the Bourgeois Meliorate in Latter-day China;中国近代资产阶级改良派新闻论思想研究
3.The people s criticism of national affairs and society public affairs and suggestion,thereby,the public opinion to concentrate and enlarge,and changing to the media expressing,brings influence into affairs,becomes consensus supervision by public.论监督是媒体的一项重要职责和功能。
6)public opinions舆论
1.Discussion on science and art in public opinions about news;论新闻论导向的科学性与艺术性
2.His political essays acted as a weapon to create public opinions.王韬充分利用了报纸这个知识分子表现自我、实现自我价值的舞台进行言说,以政论文章作为利器来制造论,充当一个论发言人的角色。
3.The narration of the counselors heralded public opinions.“人之诵”与后世“论”存在语源关系,“人之论”是后世“论”之先声。

刘壮舆长官是是堂【诗文】:闲燕言仁义,是非安可无。非非义之属,是是仁之徒。非非近乎讪,是是近乎谀。当为感麟翁,善恶分锱铢。抑为阮嗣宗,臧否两含糊。刘君有家学,三世道益孤。陈古以刺今,紬史行天诛。皎如大明镜,百陋逢一姝。鹗立时四顾,何由扰群狐。作堂名是是,自说行坦途。孜孜称善人,不善自远徂。愿君置座右,此语禹所谟。【注释】:【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷二十五