1.Talk on the Revision by Hu Sanxing in his Zizhitongjianyinzhu and Its Theoretical Basis: ——Concurrently on One of the Traditional Interpretation Theories and the Fine Academic Styles Employed by Ancient Scholars in Annotating Chinese Classics;谈胡三省《资治通鉴音注》中的订误及其理据——兼述我国古代注书释义的传统理论与优良学风
2.On the Edition of ZiZhiTongJianYinZhu《资治通鉴音注》版本考

1.The Documentary Value of Hu Sanxing s Phonetic Notation on Zi Zhi Tong Jian;胡三省《资治通鉴音注》文献学成就
2.Talk on the Revision by Hu Sanxing in his Zizhitongjianyinzhu and Its Theoretical Basis: --Concurrently on One of the Traditional Interpretation Theories and the Fine Academic Styles Employed by Ancient Scholars in Annotating Chinese Classics谈胡三省《资治通鉴音注》中的订误及其理据——兼述我国古代注书释义的传统理论与优良学风
3.A Political Historian Working on History Comment and Patriotic Sence--A Comment on Zi Zhi Tong Jian Yin Zhu Written by HU Sansheng融史实论证和爱国意蕴于一体的政论史学家——评胡三省《资治通鉴音注》
4.Shi Zhao s Explanation of Zi Zhi Tong Tong and Sichuan Sichuan in the Song dynasty;史炤《资治通鉴释文》与宋代四川方音
5.A Textual Research and Further Annotation of the Function of the Official Post of "Historian of the Royal Family"as Stated in History as a Mirror;《资治通鉴》“太子府史”的职能考辨及补注
6.Another Example Which Hu Sansheng Forgot Marking and Mistranslated Explaining"Zizhi Tongjian"胡三省注《资治通鉴》漏标误译又一例
7.Phonological System Reflected in Yin Qie of An Explanation of Zi Zhi Tong Jian--A Discussion on Rhyme Categories;《资治通鉴释文》音切反映的宋代音系韵类考
8.Phonological System Reflected by Yin Qie in An Explanation of Zi Zhi Tong Jian --Discussion on Initial Categories;《资治通鉴释文》音切反映的宋代音系——声类的讨论
9.Ceneral Statement on Study of Zi Zhi Tong Jian Shi Wen Yin Qie;《资治通鉴释文》音切反映的浊音清化现象
10.Study on Marginalia and Proofread Edition of ZiZhiTongJian and XuZiZhiTongJian by Chen Hanzhang陈汉章批校本《资治通鉴》和《续资治通鉴》考述
11.Inquiry "Reference for Governance" of XuZiZhiTongJian of Wang Zong-Mu in Ming Dynasty;论王宗沐《续资治通鉴》的“资治”特色
12.How to Administer A Country: Sima Guang s Political Thoughts in the History Discussions of ZI ZHI TONG JIAN;论《资治通鉴》史论中司马光的治国思想
13.A Brief Discussion of Zi Zhi Tong Jian,Historical Facts of Which Were Drawn from A History of the Three Kingdoms;《资治通鉴》取材《三国志》杂论——《资治通鉴》(三国部分)史源研究之一
14.Correction and Study of Tang Ji of Zi Zhi Tong Jian and Kao Yi;《资治通鉴·唐纪》及《考异》疑误数则
15.Try to Analyze the Dialectic Phenomena in Shi Zhao(史炤) Zi Zhi Tong Jian Shi Wen;试析史炤《资治通鉴释文》中的方言现象
16.A Study on Nature Calamity of the Tang Dynasty -according to Tzu-cbib T′ung-cbien;浅议唐代的自然灾害——读《资治通鉴》札记
17.Analyses on the Material Rewards Given by the Emperors of the Tang Dynasty in Tzu-chih T ung-chien;浅析《资治通鉴》中唐代皇帝的物质赏赐
18.“Zi Zhi Tong Jian”--Si maguang s Achievement of Morality, Talent and Diligence;《资治通鉴》是司马光德才与勤奋的结晶

1.ZIZHITONGJIAN and Anti-corruption and Initiating Honest;《资治通鉴》与反腐倡廉
3)Zi Zhi Tong Jian《资治通鉴》
1.The Differences Between Zi Zhi Tong Jian(the Part Concerned with Three Kingdoms)and the Official Historical Documents;《资治通鉴》(三国部分)与正史在史实上的差异
2.A New Survey on Collaboration of the Manuscript of Zi Zhi Tong Jian;《资治通鉴》长编分修再探
3.A Brief Discussion of Zi Zhi Tong Jian,Historical Facts of Which Were Drawn from A History of the Three Kingdoms;《资治通鉴》取材《三国志》杂论——《资治通鉴》(三国部分)史源研究之一
4)Zi Zhi Tong Jian资治通鉴
1.Elegant Demeanour of the Science of History Be Eternal Glory Through the age ──From "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" to regard the compilation of the local chronicles;良史风范 千古永存──从《资治通鉴》看地方志的编纂
2.Among the narrations of the history of Three Kingdoms Period, Zi Zhi Tong Jian represents an important stage, for it collates the chronological order and constructs the narrative frame for all the narrations.在对于三国历史的叙述中,《资治通鉴》是一个重要的阶段,它为三国历史厘定了时间顺序和叙事框架,编织了三国历史的叙事脉络,确定了三国历史的叙事焦点,它直接提供了长篇叙述三国历史的叙事经验,对《三国志演义》的成书有着重要意义。
1.Inquiry "Reference for Governance" of XuZiZhiTongJian of Wang Zong-Mu in Ming Dynasty;论王宗沐《续资治通鉴》的“资治”特色
6)Xu Zi Zhi Tong Jian《续资治通鉴》
1.Bi Yuan's Achievements on Masterminding the Compilation of Xu Zi Zhi Tong Jian毕沅主编《续资治通鉴》的史学成就
2.An Analysis of the Problem of BI Yuan's Xu Zi Zhi Tong Jian毕沅《续资治通鉴》考辨
3.He wrote plenty of notes on Zi Zhi Tong Jian and Xu Zi Zhi Tong Jian.批校本《资治通鉴》和《续资治通鉴》上有陈先生大量批校语。
