1.Academic Research is Utilitarian of Super-utilitarian?;学术研究:功利性抑或超功利性?
2.Literature influences the human′s spirit significantly through utilitarian and super-utilitarian;Furthermore,it plays the role of construction and deconstruction in cultural system from its aesthetic perspective.文学以功利性和超功利性的两面对人类的精神产生有力的影响,进而以审美的方式对文化系统发挥建构和解构的作用。

1.Freedom,Surmount and Poetic Retrieval自由、超越与诗意的救赎——对审美功利性与超功利性问题的思考
2.The Objective Agreement of Utilitarianism and Super-utilitarianism --The Developing Trend of Life-long Education in the Developed Nations and Its Inspiration;功利性与超功利性目标的契合——发达国家终身教育发展趋势及其启示
3.The aesthetic transcendence of literature and the fetters of practical utility;现代文学的审美超越性与现实功利的羁绊
4.System Properties, Variation Properties and Utility Properties: Three Questions inStudying Liang Qichao s Ideas on Aesthetics;体系性·变异性·功利性——梁启超美学思想研究中的三个问题
5.Review of Hare s Viewpoint of Utilitarianism--Transcending the Arguments of Act-utiltarianism and Rule-utiltarianism;黑尔之功利主义观述评——超越行为功利主义与规则功利主义之争
6.From the Utility to the Right--The Defense of Utilitarian Reading从功利到权利——为功利性阅读申辩
7.Lu Xun s Well Balanced View and Practice Toward Both Literary Utilitarianism and Non-Utilitarianism;鲁迅对文学功利性和非功利性的把握
8.The Super-utilitarian Aesthetic Mentality and the Creation of Landscape Poems of Wang Wei;王维的超功利审美心态与山水诗创作
9.Beyond Justice and Utility:Ahumanitarian Thinking on Death Penalty;超越公正与功利——死刑的人道视角
10.From Utilitarian to Aesthetic--The conversion of Liang Qichao s literay thought;从功利到审美——梁启超文学思想之流变
11.A Brief Analysis of Liang Qichao S Utilitarianism EthicsView Developing the Good and Discarding the Bad Based on Bentham s Utility Idea;浅析梁启超功利主义伦理观对边沁功利观的扬弃
12.Thus it was strongly utilitarian.它具有极强的功利性。
13.There is no "ism" in the world that transcends utilitarian considerations; in class society there can be only the utilitarianism of this or that class.世界上没有什么超功利主义,在阶级社会里,不是这一阶级的功利主义,就是那一阶级的功利主义。
14.On the Criticism and Surpassing of Rawls Justice Theory to Utilitarianism;罗尔斯正义理论对功利主义的批判与超越
15.A Study of the Relationship between Zhuangzi s Aesthetic Standards on Beyond Utilitarianism and Whole Faithfulness in Painting Creation;庄子“超功利”、“自然率真”的审美态度与油画创作
16.On “Four Xiaos” Inheriting & Surpassing of the Utilitarian Outlook of Confucian Literature;论“四萧”对儒家文学功利观的继承与超越
17.Imbroglio between Aesthetic and Utility--Literary Thinking of Liang Qichao s "Style Revolution";审美与功利的纠葛——梁启超“文体革命”的文学之思
18.An Analysis of Rawls Theory of Justice Transcending Utilitarianism;试析罗尔斯的正义观对功利主义的超越

super utilitarianism objective超功利性目标
3)moral of the ultra-utilitarian道德的超功利性
4)Beyond Utilitarianism超功利
1.A Study of the Relationship between Zhuangzi s Aesthetic Standards on Beyond Utilitarianism and Whole Faithfulness in Painting Creation;庄子“超功利”、“自然率真”的审美态度与油画创作
5)utility and superutility功利与超功利
6)superutilitarianist solicitude超功利关怀

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-