1.In this paper the three kinds of coherent functions in discourse of"yě"are discussed and the grammaticalizationthat the conversion of the connotation and denotationin the course of perspectivation of"yě"are explored."也"虚化为"话语标记"是说话人在主观性表达欲望的驱动下,规约义素在视角化过程中"潜化",而隐含义素"显化"的结果。
2)cultural viewpoint文化视角
1.Taking Part Russia College Education Reform from Cultural Viewpoint;从文化视角透析俄罗斯高等教育改革
2.In this paper, from four perspectives of works study, the study of thought and character, cultural viewpoint and comparative way, the author briefly summarizes the current situation of Laoshe’s Study in china.从作品研究、思想性格研究、文化视角和比较方法四个方面对国内老舍研究进行了简单的梳理。

1.To View the College English Culture Teaching from the Angle of Multiculturalism;从多元文化视角看大学英语文化教学
2.Cultural and Symbolic Significance of Dog;跨文化视角:狗的文化符号象征意义
3.The Politicized Tendency Of Left-wing Literature;政治文化视角:左翼文学的政治化倾向
4.Discussion on Minority Culture from the Viewpoint of Harmonious Culture从和谐文化视角论繁荣少数民族文化
5.An Exploration to Teachers' Roles Conversion under Multicultural Sight多元文化视角下的教师角色转换思考
6.The "Talent Show" of China in the Mass Culture Background;大众文化视角下的我国电视选秀节目
7.A Study on Advertising Visual Focus from Popular Culture s Viewpoint;流行文化视角下的广告视觉中心研究
8.On the principle of legality from the view of culture;从文化视角透视我国的罪刑法定原则
9.Perspective of the View of Culture on Mathematics Education;对数学教育研究文化视角的若干透视
10.Studies on the Modern Library Management from the Perspective of its Organization;从组织文化视角审视现代图书馆管理
11.Decodings of "Sexism" Terms in Chinese and English from Cultural Perspective;文化视角中的汉英“性别歧视”语解读
12.Look Traditional Chinese Martial Arts from the Multicultural Perspective从多元文化视角审视中国传统武术文化的发展
13.Pro-environmental Public Service Advertisements in Chinese and English: A Cross-cultural Perspective;跨文化视角下的中英文环保公益广告
14.A Comparative Study of Three English Translations of Liao Zhai Zhi Yi from a Cultural Perspective;从文化视角看《聊斋志异》三个英文译本
15.The Translator s Treatment of the Target Text: A Socio-cultural Perspective;译者处理译文语篇时的社会文化视角
16.Rethinking of the Cultural Turn in Translation Studies in China;“文化转向”:视角转换还是视角拓展
17.Socialization of the Sex Role under the View of Cross-culture;透视跨文化视野下的性别角色社会化
18.Cultural Colonialism: A Perspective of Intercultural Communication;从跨文化交际的视角看文化殖民主义

cultural viewpoint文化视角
1.Taking Part Russia College Education Reform from Cultural Viewpoint;从文化视角透析俄罗斯高等教育改革
2.In this paper, from four perspectives of works study, the study of thought and character, cultural viewpoint and comparative way, the author briefly summarizes the current situation of Laoshe’s Study in china.从作品研究、思想性格研究、文化视角和比较方法四个方面对国内老舍研究进行了简单的梳理。
3)cultural perspective文化视角
1.Education blog development of the cultural perspective;教育博客发展的文化视角分析
2.Positive Effect of Cultural Perspective to “Théorie du Sens” of Interpreting Research;文化视角对释意派口译理论的积极作用
3.Translation of English idioms in cultural perspectives文化视角下的英语习语翻译
4)cultural perspectives文化视角
1.Contrast of body language communication in different cultural perspectives;不同文化视角中的体态语交际对比
2.The article,taking Gan Jianhua′s The Iron-willed Sword and GoodPerson Under Heaven for examples,inquires into the depth of in-depth reports which rests with the choice of the cultural perspectives of the reporter.文章以甘建华两本新闻作品集为例,探讨深度报道的深度在于作者文化视角的选择。
3.The present text makes a contrastive study of body language from different cultural perspectives.本文拟从不同的文化视角对几种体态语行为加以对比和探讨。
5)westernized perspective西化视角
1.The author expressed in this work his ideas about literary creation: the "feel-at-ease" writing motivation, the aloof attitude towards sex and death, the westernized perspective to view Japanese, society that embody the significance of Hear the Wind Sing and also predict the direction of his later works.《且听风吟》是一部具有文学宣言性质的小说,村上春树借助这部处女作表明了自己的创作理念:"心怀释然"的写作动机、对性和死亡的超然态度、观照日本社会的西化视角。
6)cultural angle文化视角
1.The conclusion that what the Chinese translation studies needs is a wush wider dimension of the cultural angle,instead of the cultural turn is drawn.从翻译研究"文化转向"的得与失入手,反思我国翻译研究的"文化转向",指出目前存在的问题并分析其背后隐藏的原因,认为我国翻译研究需要的是扩大文化视角的维度,而不是进行"文化转向"。
2.Up till now, the cultural angle of view has become a critical theory and the object of the research has expanded to cultural from literature.由于近百年来文化视角自身经历了从多元并存到狭隘化、再到多元整合这三个阶段的演变,中国现代文学研究也相应地呈现出不同面貌。
3.Looking for cultural roots motivated the creation angle of native novels to change completely from political angle to cultural angle.文章从3个方面讨论新时期乡村小说创作的文化审视的嬗变:在70年代末至1984年这段期间内,新时期乡村小说创作的文化审视经历了一个从促狭的政治文化视域到开阔的文化空间的过程;文化寻根思潮的兴起促使乡村小说创作完成了由政治视角到文化视角的转换;在文化寻根思潮消退之后,乡村小说的文化审视由视角的迁移变为文化透视的深化。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理