1.Discussion of "Shang Jiu Tian Ren" in "the Preface of Shi Pin" from the Understanding to "Shang" of Literatis in Six Dynasties;钟嵘《诗品序》“究天人”、“学究天人”辨析——兼论六朝之际“”这一美学范畴的确立
2.According to the extant dialects and some ancient linguistic materials, it could be proven that the "shang" in "shangxin" could be the oral dialect of the "shuang".根据现存方言并证之以古代语言资料,可以知道心之"",是"爽"字韵头脱落后的方言口语记音。

1.Money or gifts bestowed.赐物赐的钱或礼物
2.Study on the Abbreviation of English;英语Abbreviation
3.Those who resist Japan, those who uphold unity, those who are progressive.应该抗日的人,团结的人,进步的人。
4.We eat moon cakes and watch the moon.吃月饼,观月亮。
5.appreciation of music对音乐的欣 (力)
6.Will you honor me with a dance?可否光跳个舞 ?
7.The Appreciation of the translation of A Red, Red Rose;A Red,Red Rose译文
8.Not feeling or exhibiting appreciation.不欣的不感觉或显示欣
9.an appreciative letter, audience, look感谢信、 表示欣的观众、 识的神情
10.Perhaps others may enjoy it if I do not.假使我不欣它,也许别人会欣的。
11.a discriminating connoisseur, collector, customer, etc鉴力强的鉴家、 收藏家、 顾客等
12.Smell the air, look at the flowers,呼吸一下新鲜空气,花儿,
13.The culture of appreciation and planting of Mei flower and flowering cherry in Japanese landscape architecture日本的梅、樱文化及其园林应用
14."Nongovernmental Criminal Offer of a Reward" and Conforming the System of Criminal Offer of a Reward;招安“民间刑事悬”,整合刑事悬制度
15.Regulating Criminal Reward of Folks and Integrating the System of Criminal Reward;招安“民间刑事悬” 整合刑事悬制度
16.she didn't appreciate my humor; you can't survive in the army without a sense of humor.他不能欣我的幽默。
17.caviare to the general;“一般人不识的腌鱼子”;
18.Laser Disc Music Appreciation激光影碟音乐欣

1.The Chinese Traditional Touch-off Point of Mood and Content ——On "xing" (inspiration) in appreciation;中国传统式的心物触发点——论鉴之“兴”
2.A Brief Research on teaching and appreciation of English and American Literature浅谈英美文学教学与鉴
1.The Appreciation and other Things about Slabstone Houses of Bouyei Nationality;布依族石板寨的欣及其它
1.Delta EEG Activity in Left Orbitofrontal Cortex in Rats Related to Food Reward and Craving;食物奖和渴求行为相关的大鼠左侧眶额叶皮质Delta频段脑电活动(英文)
2.Reward prediction,reward prediction error and the brain processes induced by them are necessary for the homeostasis with the fine regulations.奖可以激励动物去进行和维持与个体生存和种族延续有关的行为。
3.Objective:To investigate the effects of caffeine on the rewarding effects of opiates using morphine conditioned place preference (CPP) in rats.目的:本文以大鼠条件性位置偏爱(CPP)为模型,探讨咖啡因对阿片类物质奖效应的影响。
1.Inheriting Historic Context,Developing Jiageng Style:Appreciation of Building Complex with Jiageng Style in Xiamen University;传历史文脉 承嘉庚风格——厦门大学嘉庚风格建筑楼群
2.Appreciation and Analysis on the Couplet Inscribed by LIAN-SONG s Mainland Pilgrimage;“连宋”大陆行题写的对联
3.Appreciation of the Landscape Architecture Art of Yushan Park in Guilin;桂林虞山景区造园艺术
6)Enjoy the Full Moon赏月

“西王赏功”钱Image:1174393845568653.jpg “西王赏功”钱