1.Review on Chinese Communist Party s Respect for Dr. Sun Yat-sen;中国共产党何为尊崇孙中山

1."Be at peace in the knowledge that I am God: I will be lifted up among the nations, I will be honoured through all the earth."你们要休息,要知道我是神。我必在外邦中被尊崇,在遍地上也被尊崇
2.--your father's name, so well known in Italy and so highly honored.那是因为令尊的名望,因为令尊在意大利无人不知,十分受人尊崇
3.recognized brand with loads of information through the Internet备受尊崇的品牌,蕴藏资讯,网上传播
4.the grande dame of women's professional tennis.女子职业网坛上备受尊崇的妇女
5.The hero is enthroned in the hearts of his countrymen这位英雄受到他的同胞的尊崇
6.They honored him as their leading statesman.他们尊崇他为他们的领导政治家。
7.Italians have enormous respect for culture.意大利人对文化有着无上的尊崇
8.Charlie and I like, admire and trust John.查理与我都很尊崇且信赖他,
9.Personalized Lofty Space - Just for You为您度身定制尊崇生活空间
10.The president is enthroned in the hearts of his countrymen.总统受到他同胞的衷心尊崇
11.Money and fashion are the sacred cows of modern society.金钱和时髦是现代社会人们所尊崇的。
12.Money and fashion be the sacred cow of modern society金钱和时髦是现代社会人们所尊崇
13.She had prejudices on the side of ancestry; she had a value for rank and consequence.她有些偏爱名门贵族,尊崇高官厚位。
14.How shall such a soul any more respect the right?这样一个心灵将如何再尊崇正义呢?
15.One that is adored, often blindly or excessively.被过度崇拜的人往往是盲目或过分地被别人尊崇的人
16.To respect or honor greatly;revere.崇敬,尊敬,极端恭敬
17.revere virtue,human life,the church's teaching崇尚美德、尊重人的生命、崇奉教义
18.To regard with respect, reverence, or heartfelt deference.尊敬,崇拜带着敬重、敬畏或诚挚的崇敬对待

magnifying Yin and resp ecting Yang崇阴尊阳
3)respect Confucianism and Taoism尊儒崇道
4)Venerates Cheng Zhu尊崇程朱
5)Respecting Honesty and Honoring Integrity尊廉崇清
6)worship Confucian尊崇儒术

尊崇【尊崇】 (术语)贵德敬圣也。杂阿含经五十曰:“尊崇佛法僧。”