1.It investigates the status of affixation in the middle and modern ancient Chinese and demonstrates that affixation is an important means in the disyllabization process of Chinese words.本文从构词法角度评价了《唐五代语言词典》的重要学术价值,并以该词典为例,探讨了附加式构词法在中古近代汉语中的历史地位,说明附加式双音词是汉语词汇双音化进程中的一个重要手段。

1.These types of conjunctive words can be summarized into three types: juxtaposing, attaching, and condensing.这类连词可分为并列式、附加式、压缩式三种。
2.The disyllable suffixing Measures and Classifiers in Zhu Zi Yu Lei;《朱子语类》附加式双音量词及发展
3.The Change of Attached Suffix from the Old Times to the Six Dynasties (Wei Dynasty & Jin Dynasty);附加式后缀从上古到魏晋六朝的嬗变
4.The "neng" Affixed Double-syllable Words in Buddhism Literatures佛典文献中的“~能”附加式双音词
5.A Brief Discussion of Additive Adverbs in Du Fu s Poems and Relevent Problems;杜甫诗中的附加式副词及相关问题论略
6.The Original Exploration of the Affixation Complex-tone Words’s Word-building Manner in the Tang Xian-zu s Play Works;《汤显祖戏曲集》附加式双音词构词法初探
7.Adjective Affix and Additional Morphology in Modern Chinese;现代汉语形容词的词缀与附加式构词法
8.Save any additional hidden data necessary to maintain formulas保存需用于维护公式的附加隐藏数据
9.duplicating attachment, for metalworking machine tools复式附件,用于金属加工机床
10.These additional ions are called interstitial ions.这些附加的离子叫做填隙式离子。
11.Liaoning dialect additional affix adjective form;辽宁方言的两种附加词缀形容词格式
12.Experimental investigation on the aft-body drag reduction of the tractor-trailer truck by aerodynamic add-on device气动附加装置降低厢式货车后体阻力
13.Folder addition failed. The specified folder was of an invalid format.附加文件夹失败。指定的文件夹格式无效。
14.Any amendment or newly-added clauses to this agreement shall be in written forms.本协议变更或附加条款,应以书面形式为准。
15.Second, its firms specialise in innovative, high-value-added products.其次,这里的公司精于运作高附加值的新式产品。
16.(grammar) showing alteration in form especially by addition of affixes.(语法)特别是通过附加词缀来表示形式上的改变。
17.Formula Derivation and Verification of Calculating Core Additional Loss Factor计算铁心附加损耗系数的公式推导及其验证
18.Difference Patterns of Associative Meanings in Chinese and English;英汉语言文化附加意义的差异模式研究

append mode附加方式
3)additional morphology附加式构词
1.The paper analyzes the additional morphology in "Zutangji" and shows the developing direction in additional morphology of the Chinese language.该文对《祖堂集》的附加式构词法进行了详细考察,揭示了现代汉语附加式构词法由双音节化向多音节化发展的历史走向。
4)additive adverbs附加式副词
1.It has ever produced a great many additive adverbs,but only a few are preserved in modern Chinese.附加构词法在杜甫时代乃至整个中古和近代汉语时期都是一种重要的副词复音化手段,曾经产生了一大批附加式副词,但只有一小部分保存到现代汉语里。
5)attached processing附加式处理
6)solar-house attached sunspaces附加阳光间式
1.Through thermal design and calculation according to SLR of heating design,we can obtain that the energy conservation rate of direct-gain passive solar house,heat-collecting and heat-storing passive solar house and solar-house attached sunspaces are 0.通过太阳房采暖设计的SLR法进行热工设计计算得到直接受益式、集热蓄热墙式和附加阳光间式的节能率分别为0。

欧洲式期权、美国式期权与亚洲式期权欧洲式期权、美国式期权与亚洲式期权  【欧洲式期权、美国式期权与亚洲式期权】期权合约所规定的权利有一定的时效期,过了失效日后,权利即行作废。一些期权规定权利仅能在有效期的最后一天执行,这种期权被称为欧洲式期权(ell功pean叩tions);另一些期权则容许在有效期内任何一天执行,这种期权被称为美国式期权(一~oPtions)。值得指出的是,虽名为欧洲式或美国式期权,但已无任何地理上的意义。由于欧洲式期权的规定过于严格,又出现了一种“改变的欧洲式期权”,它允许期权在一定的时间范围内进行交易。可见,美国式期权为期权购买者提供了更多的选择机会,因此,它的购买者也往往需支付更高的保险费。近年来无论在欧洲或美国,所交易的期权均以美国式为主,欧洲式期权虽仍存在,但其交易量已比不上美国式期权。 在so年代末期,市场上又出现了一种所谓亚洲式期权(asian ontions),但也无地理上的意义,其差别主要在于履约价值(exe而sev公此)的计算。以买权为例,无论是美国式期权或是欧洲式期权,执行权利所能得到的履约价值均为当时标的物的市价减去履约价格,再乘以合约所定的数量,但亚洲式期权的履约价值则为权利期间内标的物市价的平均(计算至履约日为止),减去履约价格,再乘以合约所定的数量。