1.The concept of "fitness" in the Lü-shih Ch\'un-ch\'iu was raised especially when music was disccussed upon.""是《吕氏春秋》论音乐时重点推出的一个概念,其应用范围却遍及社会人生的方方面面。

1.The state of being adapted.被应被应的状态
2.optimal arousal level theory度兴奋论度兴奋论
3.Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.于此者亦于彼。
4.make fit or tailor something to something.使某物应或和某物。
5.adaptive control应控制;应性控制;自控制;自应控制
6.The process of acclimating or of becoming acclimated.服水土,应或变得应的过程
7.To change so as to match or fit;cause to correspond.调节,调整改变…以相应;使与…相
8.I can't square my conduct to time, place or circumstance.我不能使自己的举止时、地、环境。
9.Occurring at a suitable or opportune time; well-timed.及时的在一个当或宜的时间发生的;时的
10.Drink moderately, love moderately, live moderately: everything in moderation.喝得度,爱得度,生活得度:一切都不过度。
11.lend itself to宜于,对...有用
12.suitable for purpose of合…的目的(用途)
13.fuel flexibility燃料[改烧]应性
14.(of limbs and feet) adapted for digging.(肢和脚)合挖掘。
15.(of limbs and feet) adapted for running.(肢和脚)合行走。
16.The welding equipment furnished by TW is guaranteed to be proper for the application.TW焊机保证用。
17.workable moisture(型砂的)合湿度
18.She has a headache and is rather indisposed.她头痛,颇感不

Suitability of production适生适产
3)selecting suitable tree species for suitable soil适土适树
1.In this paper,the afforestation principle "selecting suitable tree species for suitable soils" and the drought-resistance planting technique of "cave padded plastic film" were put forward,which could broaden the soil types .为此,提出了“树,因土制宜”的造林原则和“穴衬膜栽植技术”,以扩大宜造林的土壤类型。
4)matching species with the site适地适树
1.A study of matching species with the site in island areas of Zhejiang;浙江海岛树技术研究
5)matching tree species with site适地适树
1.The conception and methods of matching tree species with site,and advances in studies on its policy decision and judgment standard were expounded,and then some relative suggestions were raised.阐述了树的概念、途径,及近年来我国在树的决策方法、判断标准方面的研究进展,并提出了相关建议。
2.This article sums up the various ecological genes which is suitable for planting trees and the distance between the plants,matching tree species with site.文章通过归纳合植物生长的各种生态因子和植物的种植株距来为树规划提供依据。
6)suitable planting适地适栽

《思适斋书跋》  中国清代校勘学家顾广圻的书跋集。王大隆辑。王大隆因惜顾氏题跋遗佚较多,刻意搜求,整理成书。全书共4 卷,包括题跋187篇,其中经部29篇,史部58篇,子部、集部各50篇。王大隆另辑成《思适斋书跋补遗》一卷。二书均收入王大隆所辑《黄顾遗书》中,于1935年刊行。            顾广圻校勘古书务求"将本书透底明白,......将本书引用之书透底明白","去凿空腾说之损,收实事求是之益"。他校书下笔谨严,言之有据,力求做到"无一字无来历"。《思适斋书跋》反映了顾氏在校勘学上的独到见解和精深造诣。如他在《〈礼记考异〉跋》中阐明"书必以不校校之"的主张:"毋改易其本来,不校之谓也",即存其本来面目,以免误于校者,使人不能思其误;"能知其是非得失之所以然,校之之谓也"。他主张参互钩稽,将校定是非的考据撰成考异、考证,附于原书之后。顾广圻的校勘学方法主要有:①广罗众本,对勘异同,并根据各书的行款格式进行校勘。②注重文字训诂,根据文字的形、音、义进行校勘。③重视章句互见,根据篇目标题以及上下文相承相应等关系进行校勘。④根据本书义例进行校勘。⑤根据与本书直接有关的材料、涉及的历史事实和有关的名物制度等进行校勘。    该书所收书跋,大多阐述古书的版刻特点、版本源流并鉴别版本的真伪优劣,又因顾氏校勘谨严,考订翔实,使该书成为研究校勘学的重要文献,为学者所推重。