1.The text just gives some Commentary on the annotationg of Qianfulun.然千慮亦有一失,筆者就讀書所及,也發現其中間有可商之處,本文主要就書中的一些詞語進行考釋,對前人注疏中的不當之處提出自己的看法,總計札記七十七則,成此短文,以求教正。

1.Notes on the Description:Studies of the Luoyang Nestorian Dharani Pillar in the Tang Dynasty(Ⅱ);《幢記》若干問題考釋——唐代洛陽景教經幢研究之二
2.On the Trinity:Studies of Luoyang Nestorian Dharani Pillar in the Tang Dynasty(Ⅲ)經幢版“三位一體”考釋——唐代洛陽景教經幢研究之三
3.An Explanation of He Juan (禾绢);釋《南史·宋本紀》之“禾絹閉眼諾”
4.Philological Remarks on the Lotus Sutra:On the Name Avalokitasvara《法華經》的文獻學研究———觀音的語義解釋
5.Computer-or Paper-Based Test: Does Delivery Mode Affect Reading Test Performance and Test-Taking Strategies?;机考/纸考:考试方式会否影响考生的阅读理解考试成绩和考试策略
6.I shall sleep on it.我要考虑考虑再决定
7.sober reflection冷静的思考,认真的思考
8.The act of surveying or examining.考察考察或调查的行为
9.I'll think the matter over.这事我得细细考虑考虑。
10.a failed examination失败的考试,考试不及格
11.No problem. It will be done next Friday. ?考前冲刺模拟考卷(二)
12.Good luck with your studying and I'll see you on Thursday.考前冲刺模拟考卷(二)?
13.Intermediate Examination [Civil Service Examinations Unit]中级考试〔公务员考试组〕
14.without proper consideration or reflection.没有适当的考虑和思考。
15.Without further ado, I now present the Cleveland symphony Orchestra.考前冲刺模拟考卷(三)?
16.To reflect, ponder, or deliberate beforehand.预先思考、深思或考虑
17.candidates for the September resit参加九月份补考的考生.
18.Sixty percent of the candidates failed the examination.60%的考生没通过考试。

Explanation of Terms術語考釋
3)Explanation of Literary quotations典故考釋
4)explaination of ancient Chinese characters文字考釋
5)annotations and notes釋文注釋
6)Identification text釋文
