1.Authorized by this reason, the present study analyzes the talk shows from the perspective of power within the theoretical framework of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA).话语权势是批评性语篇分析的重要课题。
2.Based on the basic ideas on discourse and power from the critical discourse analysts represented by Norman Fairclough, this thesis studies the construction of power in Internet chat through the conversation analysis of the collected data.话语权势是批评性话语分析研究的重要课题。
2)authoritative speech权势话语
1.In fact,the oral communication in school administration is the negotiation bet ween the administrator s authoritative speech and the teacher s individual speech,and it is also the domination of authoritative speech over individual speech.话语作为一种社会建构,与权力有着紧密联系,学校管理中的口语交际实际是管理者的权势话语与教师的个人话语的交涉,是权势话语对个人话语的支配。

1.Register and the Lexical Choice in Discourse in the Story of the Stone;语域与《红楼梦》中权势话语的词汇选择
2.The oral Communication in School Administration--An Analysis about Authoritative Speech and Individual Speech;学校管理中的口语交际——一种权势话语与个人话语的分析
3.Contemporary Doggerel: Non-Power Political Discourse of Subject People;当代顺口溜:弱势群体的非权力政治话语
4.Power and Turn-Taking a Sociolinguistic Analysis of Conversations in Oliver Twist;权势关系与话轮转换:从社会语言学角度分析《雾都孤儿》中的会话
5.The Asymmetrical Power in Talent Show Talk-Based on the Perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis从批评性话语分析的角度研究真人秀会话中的不平等权势
6.Discourse power and discourse right are two sides of one fact.话语权包括话语权利和话语权力两个方面。
7.Institutional Changes,Revolutionary Discourses and Squire Power in the Early Period of the 20th Century乡绅权势消退的历史轨迹——20世纪前期的制度变迁、革命话语与乡绅权力
8.A Critical Discourse Analysis of Language and Power;从批判的话语分析角度看话语与权利
9.Silence and Voice: An Analysis of Female Discourse in The Woman Warrior;沉默与话语——谈《女勇士》中的女性话语权
10.Discourse,Power and Truth:Social Justice and "Ethics of Discourse";话语·权力·真理——社会正义与“话语的伦理”
11.Discourse Right and Discourse: the Role of Male and Female;话语权和话语:两性角色的“在场”姿态
12.A Critical Discourse Analysis of Discourse Power of College English Teacher;从批评话语分析角度看大学英语教师话语权
13.On Imperfectness of the Weak Forms in English and their Intermediate Functions in Intercommunication;论英语弱势语的语义语势缺省与话语交际媒介作用
14.Misreading and Theory of Dialogue,Hermeneutics Theory and Theory of Power and Discourse;误读与对话理论、阐释学和权力话语
15.Powering and Empowering Through Discursive Structures in Therapeutic Conversations;心理咨询话语结构分析:控权与赋权
16.Minben and Civil Rights:Historical Foundation of Discourse on Rights in China;民本与民权——中国权利话语的历史基础
17.Social Power Relations and the Violation of the Cooperative Principle;社会权势关系与会话合作原则的背离
18.Questions and Power Relations in Doctor-Patient Talk;医生和病人会话中的问句与权势关系

authoritative speech权势话语
1.In fact,the oral communication in school administration is the negotiation bet ween the administrator s authoritative speech and the teacher s individual speech,and it is also the domination of authoritative speech over individual speech.话语作为一种社会建构,与权力有着紧密联系,学校管理中的口语交际实际是管理者的权势话语与教师的个人话语的交涉,是权势话语对个人话语的支配。
4)Discourse right话语权
1.Inconsistent Expression of Marginal Groups Discourse Right in Mass Communication;大众传播媒介下城市边缘群体话语权的矛盾表达
2.Who move the discourse right of problem students——Talking about the communication with problem students谁动了问题大学生的话语权
3.Analysis of Chi Dawei's Losing Discourse Right in "Canglangzhishui"《沧浪之水》中池大为丢失话语权之剖析
5)discourse hegemony话语霸权
1.The experience and lessons from the dissemination of Western learning in China:the issue of discourse hegemony and "aphasia";关于西学东渐的经验教训——兼论话语霸权与“失语症”问题
2.It s essential to create the national image of China under the western television discourse hegemony.随着全球化趋势的加强,国家形象在国际交往中的作用日渐突出,在西方电视话语霸权下如何塑造中国的国际形象成为一个关系国家利益的重要问题。
3.The discourse hegemony of teachers in classroom not only prevents the students from their individual understandings and pursuits of the world,but also controls the thoughts and speeches of the students.话语霸权表现为语言的专制与保守。
6)power discourse权力话语
1.Power Discourse,Meaning Export and National Public Relations;权力话语、意义输出与国家公共关系的基本问题——从北京奥运会、拉萨“3·14”事件看中国国家公关战略的建构
2.Translation - Re-creation Manipulated and Dominated by Dual Influence of Power Discourse;翻译—一种双重权力话语制约下的再创造活动
3.On the power discourse and sex role of actors and actresses论权力话语和优伶性别角色

夫妻权势关系夫妻权势关系power and influence of husband and wife  夫妻权势关系(power and influenee ofhusband and wife)夫妇一方对另一方的行为给予影响的潜在能力。在家庭生活的各种意志决定中可以表现出夫妇的权势作用。有学者调查了夫妇在职业选择、购买汽车、加入生命保险、假日旅游、选择居住地、妻子就业、就医、家庭生活费用等八个项目上谁有决定权。结果表明,夫妇的权势关系有四种类型:(l)丈夫优势型,指家庭内的重要事情由丈夫一方决定。(2)妻子优势型,指妻子在家中做主。(3)一致型,指同时尊重双方意见。(4)自律型,指丈夫或妻子具有独自的决定权,不受对方的干涉。夫妻的权势关系对家庭的和谐有很大的影响,像妻子优势型的家庭气氛就比较冷淡、紧张,对孩子个性发展、人格形成和社会化都不利。 (李艳撰茜冬条审)