1.As the two important works in late Eastern Han Dynasty,"Qianfulun(潜夫论)"and "Fengsutongyi(风俗通义)" are of great language material and history material value to the language study in Eastern Han and Middle Ancient Times.《潜夫论》和《风俗通义》作为东汉后期的两部重要著作,对于东汉和中古的语言研究都具有较为重要的语料和史料价值。
2.Qianfulun is a book with very strong complitical complexion.《潜夫论》是一部政论性很强的著作,众多学者从哲学思想角度对它进行的研究很多,但它的语言现象也有很高的研究价值。

1.On the Myth History&Divination Combined with Mystical Confucianist Belief of Qian Fu lun,Shuo Yuan;《潜夫论》《说苑》中神话的历史化与谶纬化
2.Carding Acceptation System, Checking and Explaining Five Words and Expressions in "A Qian Fulun";梳理词义系统考释《潜夫论》词语五则
3.On the Difference of the Edition of A Treatise on the Latent and Wang Fu s Thought on Dao and Qi;《潜夫论》的版本分歧与王符的道气思想
4.Problems of Non-wrong-word in Notes on the Words in Qianfulun;《潜夫论》词语考释中的非误字问题
5.A Brief Discussion of Economy Thought And Its Contemporary Enlightenment of Wang Fu s “On Hermit”;略论王符《潜夫论》之经济思想及其当代启示
6.We should affirm Wang Jipei's achievements on collation.应该全面肯定汪继培对《潜夫论》整理工作的贡献。
7.Problems in A Large-sized Chinese Dictionary Dealing with the Coordinate Disyllabic Words in Qianfulun;《汉语大词典》有关《潜夫论》并列复词的问题
8.Inverted Coordinate Compound Words in "Qian Fu Lun"and the Compilation of "the Unabridged Chinese Dictionary";《潜夫论》并列复词逆序词与《汉语大词典》编纂
9.Variant-form coordinate disyllabic words in Qianfulun and the compilation of A Large-sized Chinese Dictionary;《潜夫论》并列复词异形词与《汉语大词典》编纂
10.Notes on Qianfulun s Coordinate Disyllabic Words Omitted in A Large-sized Chinese Dictionary;《汉语大词典》未收的《潜夫论》并列复词考释
11.The Coordinate Disyllabic Antonym in Qianfulun and Compilation of Great Chinese Dictionary;《潜夫论》反义并列复词与《汉语大词典》编纂
12.The Major is to Circulate Usual Commodities,the Minor is to Sell the Unusual通货为本 鬻奇为末——王符《潜夫论》中商之本末说论析
13.The Coordinate Clauses with Written or Mispronounced Words in On Hermits and the Compiling of Chinese Dictionary;《潜夫论》含有通假字的并列复词与《汉语大词典》编纂
14.The demonstration of classic in Two Han Dynasties and The pregnance of philosophy in Wei and Jin Dynasties;两汉经学的式微与魏晋玄学的孕育——论王符《潜夫论》治道思想的历史地位
15.Changed Trends of and Reciprocal Effects Between Moral Management and Legal Management in the Eastern Han Dynasty--Analysis of Wang Fu s On Hermit;东汉后期政治中法治与德治的互动与嬗变——以王符《潜夫论》为个案分析对象
16.On the Eastern Han Dynasty s Tradition of Criticism to the Government from the Hermit and Its Historical Influence;略论东汉“潜夫议政”传统及其历史影响
17.Comparison on Wang Fu-zhi and Shen De-qian's Elegance and Vulgarness Ideology王夫之与沈德潜“雅俗”观比较——读王夫之《古诗评选》与沈德潜《古诗源》札记
18.Analyses on Cultivated Land Population Carrying Capacity Based on Weighted Markov Chain;基于马尔可夫链的耕地人口承载潜力分析

1.Function Words in Textual Research on “QIANFULUN”;《潜夫论》词语考释中的虚词问题
2.The Coordinate Disyllabic Antonym in Qianfulun and Compilation of Great Chinese Dictionary;《潜夫论》反义并列复词与《汉语大词典》编纂
3.Problems in A Large-sized Chinese Dictionary Dealing with the Coordinate Disyllabic Words in Qianfulun;《汉语大词典》有关《潜夫论》并列复词的问题
3)On Hermit《潜夫论》
1.Changed Trends of and Reciprocal Effects Between Moral Management and Legal Management in the Eastern Han Dynasty——Analysis of Wang Fu s On Hermit;东汉后期政治中法治与德治的互动与嬗变——以王符《潜夫论》为个案分析对象
4)criticism to the government from the hermit潜夫议政
1.Wang Fu was an ideological pioneer of the social critical thoughts of the Eastern Han Dynasty,and he created a unique "criticism to the government from the hermit" tradition in mediaeval history.王符是东汉社会批判思潮的思想先驱,在中古史上开创了独特的"潜夫议政"传统。
5)Li Qiɑnfu李潜夫
6)diver's disease;caisson disease;bends潜水夫病
