1.This thesis will conduct a study on the word order of multi-adverbial.现代汉语中有一种特殊的语言现象,就是多项状语

1.An Observation on the Use of Chinese Multi-Adverbs by Thai Students泰国学生汉语多项状语习得过程考察
2.A Comparative Study on the Multiple Adverbial Modifiers in Chinese and the Equivalents in Indonesian;汉语多项状语与印尼语相关表述的比较
3.A Study of the Order of Multi-Adverbial before Predicate in Chinese of Foreign Students from Asia and Africa;从亚非留学生看汉语谓词前多项状语同现次序
4.An Analysis on Multiple Adverbial Errors Made by Japanese Students in Learning Chinese Based on HSK Dynamic Composition Corpus基于“HSK动态作文语料库”的日本留学生汉语多项状语的偏误分析
5.The second part described the order of several adverbial in "ba" sentence pattern,and then explained the reasons.第二部分是描写和解释“把”字句中多项状语的排列顺序;
6.Comparison between Word Orders of Chinese and Vietnamese Multiple Attributes;汉、越语多项定语语序对比及教学研究
7.On the Validity of Distractors in Grammar-Vocabulary Multiple-Choice Tests;论语法/词汇多项选择题干扰项的效度
8.The Comparison of the Position and Word Order of Multiple Attributes In Chinese and French;汉语递加关系多项定语与法语相关句式的比较
9.Analysis on the Status Quo of English Testing in Colleges and Universities--an empirical study;析高校英语测试现状——一项实证研究
10.The Etymology and the Status Quo of Research of Chinese Ending "-Hua" and Its English Counterparts;汉语词尾“-化”及其英语对应项之词源与研究现状
11.The multiple-choice model in college examinations is facing a big challenge;大学英语多项选择考试模式面临挑战
12.The Variety of Move Structures in English Business Letters-A Genre Analysis;英语商务信函语步结构的多样性—一项体裁分析
13.The Application of Discourse Cohesive Devices to Designing English Multiple Choice Items;语篇衔接手段在英语多项选择题设计中的运用
14.A Cognitive Approach to Word Order of Multiple Attributives in English & Chinese;从认知角度看英汉多项定语的语序规律
15.A Study on the Priority Sequences of Multiple-attributive Phrases in Modern Chinese现代汉语多项式定中短语优先序列研究
16.Cubic Non-uniform Trigonometric Polynomial Curves with Multiple Shape Parameters;多形状参数的三次非均匀三角多项式曲线
17.An investigation of the distribution of meaning items and errors of commonly used polysemes found in the Chinese Interlanguage Corpus;汉语常用多义词在中介语语料库中的义项分布及偏误考察
18.A Probe into the State of TCFL Majors Autonomous Listening and Their Demands for a Self-Access Listening Program;对外汉语专业学生英语听力自主学习现状与项目需求的调查研究

Progressingly Increasing Multiple Adverbial递加式多项状语
3)Single Adverbial单项状语
4)multiple complements多项补语
5)multiple attributes多项定语
1.Based on the analysis of the wrong sentences of foreign students with French background,this article compares the position and word order of the coordinating and progressively increasing multiple attributes in Chinese with those of corresponding elements in French.本文通过对法语背景的留学生在汉语学习中出现的病句的分析 ,探讨汉语递加关系的多项定语与法语相关句式的对应关系 ,指出汉语和法语两种句式存有差异的原因 ,以便教学更具针对性 ,提高教学效率。
6)zonal polynomials带状多项式
1.Efficient calculating method for zonal polynomials is the key of good approximation for hypergeometric function with matrix argument.计算矩阵变量超几何函数的关键在于带状多项式的计算。

国际现代五项和冬季两项联盟  1948年成立国际现代五项联合会,1969年由于增加了冬季两项活动改为现名,会址设在瑞典兰斯克鲁纳。现代五项有50个会员协会,冬季两项有40个会员协会,正式工作语言为英语和法语。    国际现代五项和冬季两项联盟的宗旨是:推动现代五项和冬季两项运动及其附属项目综合训练的发展和技术水平的提高;促进各协会领导人和运动员之间的诚挚、友好合作,反对任何种族、宗教或政治的歧视。    国际现代五项和冬季两项联盟的最高权力机构是全体代表大会,每4年举行1次(在奥运会年的秋季召开),一个协会只有 1票表决权,可以委托投票。现代五项和冬季两项每年还分别召开 1次代表大会。单项代表大会只对与本项目有关的事宜作出决定。每个会员协会有1票表决权,可以委托投票。代表大会闭会期间,国际现代五项和冬季两项联盟的领导机构是行政理事会。理事会每年在夏、冬两季各召开1次会议。联盟的日常事务由执?形被岣涸稹V次嵊芍飨⒌?1副主席、两名执行副主席、秘书长、司库、副秘书长和副司库组成。联盟下设技术委员会、医务委员会和新闻委员会。现任主席是S.托费尔特(瑞典);秘书长是W.格吕特(瑞典)。联盟管辖的世界锦标赛有:现代五项运动(跑、马术、击剑、射击和游泳),冬季两项(滑雪+射击)。