1.Zilin, authored by lvchen of Jin Dynasty, is a dictionary of great importance in China s reference book compilation history.晋吕忱所作的《字林》是我国辞书史上一部十分重要的字典,后人称之为“上承《说文》,下启《玉篇》”。
2.Zilin , written by Lvchen , is an important dictionary of Jin Dynasty .晋代吕忱的《字林》,是上承《说文》,下启《玉篇》的一部重要字书。
2)Zi Lin字林
1.About the Scholars of the Qing Dynasty Reviving Shuo Wen according to Zi Lin;清人据《字林》改《说文》拾零

1.Concerning "Digital Forestry" in the Role of Forestry Management论“数字林业”在林业管理中的作用
2.Digital Forestry Technology s Application Research in Non-cultivation and Re-Forestry Engineering;数字林业技术在退耕还林工程中的应用研究
3.Real-time rendering of large-scale forest scene based on OSG and GPU基于OSG数字林分景观可视化技术研究
4.Architecture of Digital Forestry Service Platform Based on J2EE基于J2EE的“数字林业”服务平台的构建
5.Constructing a Digital Forestry Information Service System Based on SOA Technology基于SOA的数字林业基础服务平台
6.The blades were straight carved with "Solingen".刀身基本是直的,有索林根(字母)字样。
7.Sentence Patterns Containing "Ba" and "Jiang" in Scholars;《儒林外史》中的“把”字句和“将”字句
8.Relationship between talent resource utilization and digital library construction in Forestry林业人才资源利用与林业数字图书馆建设
9.He forgot to capitalize the first letter of the name Lincoln.他忘了大写林肯这个名字的第一个字母。
10.Colin: So the small words at the bottom of the screen are called the subtitles?科林:这么说屏幕底下的那些小字叫字幕?
11.Image master: Founts of typefaces in the form of a film negative and used in phototypesetting. See Character master.字符母片:负片菲林形式的照相排字用的整副字体。
12.The name of Stalin is associated with cruelty.史达林的名字与残暴联想在一起。
13.Her name was Rosalind Franklin.她的名字叫罗莎琳德?富兰克林。
14.Study on Wellbore Stability Technique of Daqingzijing Area in Jilin Oil Field;吉林大情字井地区井壁稳定技术研究
15.Research on Digital Design by Greg Lynn;格雷戈·林恩(Greg Lynn)的数字设计研究
16.On the Problems and Solutions of Implementing the Policy of "Digital Jilin";“数字吉林”政策实施中的问题与对策
17.A Comparison of Ba-structure in Qiludeng, A Dream of Red Mansions and The Scholars;《歧路灯》与《红楼梦》《儒林外史》“把”字句比较
18.The Study on the Changes of YiMu in Ci LinYun Shi;《词林韵释》中疑母字变化情况研究

Zi Lin字林
1.About the Scholars of the Qing Dynasty Reviving Shuo Wen according to Zi Lin;清人据《字林》改《说文》拾零
3)digital forestry数字林业
1.Application of ecological classification system in China s digital forestry;试论生态分类系统在我国数字林业建设中的应用
2.Study on the digital forestry network frame and extension technique in Fujian;福建省数字林业网络构架与延伸技术研究
3.A simple analysis of XML security in digital forestry;浅析数字林业中XML的安全性
4)digital forest数字林业
1.Research on Key Technology and Its Application for WebGIS-based Digital Forest Management Platform;基于WEBGIS的数字林业管理平台关键技术及其应用研究
2.Forest resource managemen information system for country is the important tool for modern forest resources management and it is a kind of essential tool of "digital forest" in the county level gathering standard data.县级森林资源管理信息系统是现代化森林资源经营管理的重要工具,是“数字林业”在县级采集标准规范数据的一种必要工具。
5)digital forest farm数字林场
1.Study on key technologies of digital forest farm construction in China;中国数字林场建设关键技术研究
6)alphabet jungle字母丛林

《字林》  一部按汉字形体分部编排的字书。 《隋书·经籍志》题晋弦令吕忱撰,七卷。《魏书·江式传》说:"宣武帝延昌三年 (514)式上表曰:'晋世义阳王典祠令任城吕忱上《字林》六卷,寻其沉趣,附托许慎《说文》......文得正隶,不差篆意也。'"又唐代封演《闻见记》说:"晋吕忱撰《字林》七卷,亦五百四十部,凡一万二千八百二十四字。"由此可知《字林》即仿《说文解字》而作,收字比《说文》多3000多字,兼有异体,不过仍分为540部,全书7卷。在刘宋时扬州都护吴恭曾撰《字林音义》 5卷,见于《隋书·经籍志》。唐代《字林》与《说文》并重,而且以此考取书学博士。宋代书中多称此书为5卷,可能传本不同。《字林》是《说文》与《玉篇》之间的一部字书,在字书发展史上很重要,可惜宋末以后就亡佚不存了。清乾隆间任大椿著有《字林考逸》8卷,对研究文字训诂很有用。光绪间陶方琦又有《字林考逸补本》,据隋代杜台卿《玉烛宝典》、唐代慧琳《一切经音义》等书补任书所未录。