1.Many researches focus on the answers to interrogative sentences and overlook other functional sentences and non-verbal responses.此外,对肯定与否定这对语义关系,已有研究也偏重于否定研究,对肯定性应对语进行专门研究的论文非常罕见。
2.The author also studies the matching models of disproval trigger to response.本文立足话语平面,以书面口语为语料,选取相声、影视剧本、戏剧和小说等四种文体中的546例反驳现象,从语法、语义和语用三个方面结合数据统计进行描写、分析和解释,并探求反驳引发语和应对语的制约关系。
2)corresponding idioms对应习语
3)Pronunciation corresponding语音对应
1.The paper taking the languages of Zhuang-Dai group for example, puts forward five principles as follows: pronunciation corresponding;unifying Chinese characters; rank order; translating the general names and specialized names separately; avoiding integrated word.针对少数民族语地名通名汉译混乱的现象,文章以壮傣语支地名通名为例,提出语音对应原则、统一汉字原则、层次原则、通专名分译原则和避免成词原则,以期从更高层次上规范少数民族语地名。

1.A View on the Corresponding Regular Pattern in the Chinese-Vietnamese Sounds in Vietnamese Language and the Chinese Sounds in Chinese Language;越语中的汉越音与汉语的语音对应规律浅探
2.On Some Phonological Rules in Transliterating English Personal Names into Chinese;英—汉人名音译中的语音对应规律初探
3.A Study of the Corresponding Phonetic Relations among the Chinese Vietnamese,the Yue Language and Ping Dialect汉越语与粤语和平话语音对应关系研究
4.The Corresponding Relationship between Shibei Dialect's Phonetic and Qieyun Chinese Phonology石陂方言语音与中古音系的对应关系
5.Vowel Correspondence between Ancient Chinese and Tibetan Language in Terms of Phonological Change;从音变过程看上古汉语与藏语的元音对应
6.On Some Correspondence between the Long Vowels,Diphthongs and VC(V)/CV(C) Configurartions in Orchon,Modern Spoken Mongolian and Wrirtten Mongolian;关于鄂伦春语和蒙古语的长元音、复合元音及音组的某些对应关系
7.Correspondence Rules of the Initials of syllables in Baoji Dialect and Standard Chinese;宝鸡方音与普通话语音声母的对应规律
8.An Analysis of Vowels in Corresponding Chinese and Tibetan Words with Nasal and Liquid Consonants;汉藏语鼻音、流音声母关系字韵母对应分析
9.The Role of Chinese-French Pronunciation Contrast in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language;喀麦隆汉法语音对比在对外汉语教学中的应用
10.The Negative Transfer that Wu Dialect Performs on English Pronunciation and Its Coping Strategies吴方言对英语语音的负迁移及应对策略
11.Study of Adaptive Noise Cancellation in Enhancement of Speech;语音增强中自适应噪声对消技术研究
12.This dissertation gives a phonological comparison study on Han-Viet Dialect (汉越语) and the Chinese languages.本文研究汉越语音系及其与汉语的对应关系。
13.The Application Study of Hanyu Pinyin in the Home Chinese Language Teaching;汉语拼音在对内汉语教学中的应用研究
14.The Application Study of Chinese Phonetic Alphabet in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language;汉语拼音在对外汉语教学中的应用研究
15.On the Rule of Inversion in Two-syllable Vietnamese Borrowed Words from Chinese;越语双音节汉越词对应汉语倒序现象规律初探
16.Orthography of Words in Chinese Phonetic Alphabet and their Application in the Teaching of Chinese to Foreign Students;汉语拼音正词法及其在对外汉语教学中的应用
17.Analysis and Instruction of Phonetic Learning in College English Teaching;非英语专业新生语音情况分析及应对策略
18.They began to see that similarities between languages are only one side of the linguistic phenomena.他们看出,语音间的对应只是语音现象的一个方面。

corresponding idioms对应习语
3)Pronunciation corresponding语音对应
1.The paper taking the languages of Zhuang-Dai group for example, puts forward five principles as follows: pronunciation corresponding;unifying Chinese characters; rank order; translating the general names and specialized names separately; avoiding integrated word.针对少数民族语地名通名汉译混乱的现象,文章以壮傣语支地名通名为例,提出语音对应原则、统一汉字原则、层次原则、通专名分译原则和避免成词原则,以期从更高层次上规范少数民族语地名。
4)semantic correspondence语义对应
1.The semantic correspondence in English and Chinese is the basis of English - Chinese translation.英汉词汇的语义对应是双语翻译的前提,是两种语言相互转换的桥梁。
2.Analyzing Semantic Correspondence to Improve English Vocabulary Teaching;本文从分析英汉词汇语义对应关系入手 ,揭示了区分语义差异的重要意义 ,并结合大学英语教学实际提出了改进词汇教学的一些策略和方
5)word equivalence词语对应
1.After a brief introduction of the theory of semantic componential analysis,the articler suggests the concept of componential annlysis be employed in classification of word equivalence and in word translation.接着,作者运用语义成分分析法对英汉语之间词语对应关系重新分类,并尝试将这一理论用于词语翻译。
6)correspondence in Chinese汉语对应
