1.Reorganization on the Yiwen of Thirteen Classics Explanatory Notes and Commentaries Quoted from YuPian;宋本《玉篇》引十三经注疏異文整理
2.The study on yiwen has a bearing not only on the meaning of songs and on the all-sided understanding of evolvement of The Book of Songs, but also it provides very precious material.在长期的流傳中,产生了文字上的差異,即所謂的異文

1.Reorganization on the Yiwen of Thirteen Classics Explanatory Notes and Commentaries Quoted from YuPian;宋本《玉篇》引十三经注疏異文整理
2.We were amazed to hear the witness’s denunciation of the accused.听了证人对被告的指责,我们大为惊異。
3.Research on the Variant Chinese Characters in Romance of Three Kingdoms of Yuan Block-printed Edition;《元至治本全相平话三国志》異俗字研究
4.Chinese! Chinese! Chinese!语文!语文!语文!
5.This is a translation; the original is in French.这是译文, 原文是法文的.
6.writing block (paper stationery)文件簿(纸制文具)
7.Yanbian Literature (in Korean)延边文学(朝鲜文)
8.Rejoicing in the Happiness of Others (in Sanskrit, mudita)乐(梵文: “mudita″);
9.Compassion (in Sanskrit, karuna)慈(梵文: “karuna″’);
10.Equanimity (in Sanskrit, upekkha)平(梵文: “upekkha″)。
11.Friendliness (in Sanskrit, metta)和 (梵文:“metta”):
12.A body of writings in prose or verse.文学用散文体或韵文体所写的文字
13.Both versions are equally authentic.中文文本和英文文本具有同等效力。
14.A Study of Classical Texts in High School Chinese Course Books;现行高中语文教材文言文选文的研究
15.Literature and Culture--A Starting Point for Cultural Materialism;文学、文化之“文”——“文化唯物论”的一个基点
16.Virtue, Rules and Transform of Composition and Rhetoric -- On Ye Shi’s Literature Thoughts;文德 文术 文变——论叶适的文学思想
17.The Pattern of the Affections·the Pattern of Sounds·the Pattern of Shapes--an analysis of Two LUs' Conceptions of Aesthetic Verse情文·声文·形文——“二陆”美文观综论
18.Reflections on the Transformation of Overseas Chinese literature to Chinese literature;华文文学与华人文学之辨——关于华文文学研究转向华人文学的反思

variant forms of Shuowenjiezi《説文》異文
3)different graphic shapes of writing文字異形
4)Exegetics on Collating Notes of the Analects of Confucius论语異文疏辩
5)different forms of the same character異形
1.Great variety Yixing異形(different forms of the same character)in oracle bone inscriptions is an obvious characteristic:,the elder generations have made this research thoroughly,the research includes fact description and the basic reasons expression.就甲骨文異形繁多這一顯性特徵,前輩們的描寫性研究是深入的,并且對于其異形繁多的内在原因也有很中肯的探討。
6)compiling variant words笺異

《文昌帝君阴骘文》  道书。简称《阴骘文》。以文昌帝君降笔(即扶乩)的名义编纂而成。成书年代不详。一说不晚于16世纪末。文昌帝君全称辅元开化文昌司禄宏仁帝君,或称梓潼帝君、梓潼神。相传为掌握人间禄籍之神,旧时士人多崇祀之。"阴骘"一词原为"默默地安定"之意,始见于《尚书·洪范》:"惟天阴骘下民,相协厥居。"后引申为修善积德,俗称积阴德。    《阴骘文》以"天人感应"和"因果报应"思想为依据,宣传儒家道德规范和道、释宗教戒条。首先以文昌帝君本身的"经历"和"救蚁中状元"等四则故事,说明广行阴骘,将得善报。其次,列举忠主、孝亲、敬兄、信友、矜孤恤寡、敬老怜贫、不谋人财产、不淫人妻女,不恃富豪而欺穷困、不倚权势而辱善良等数十项作为立身处世之准则。声称依此行事,则"百福骈臻,千祥云集",近则善报个人,远则福泽儿孙。    《重刊道藏辑要》有《阴骘文注》1卷;《昭代丛书别集》有《阴骘文颂》1卷;《三益集》有《阴骘文像》4 卷。另有刻本注本多种。内容通俗易懂。旧时民间流传甚广。