1.Comparative Research of Four Expositive Adverbs: "bijing" "daodi" "zhongjiu" "jiujing";评注性副词“毕竟”、“到底”、“终究”、“究竟”的对比研究
2.The Adverb Bijing in the Chinese Translations of Buddhist Scripture During the Medieval Ancient Period中古汉文佛典中的副词“毕竟

1.Stones are hard, water is wet, objects unsupported fall towards the earth's centre.石头毕竟坚硬,水毕竟潮湿,悬空的物体毕竟落向地心。
2.He is quite human after all.他毕竟还是挺善良的。
3.After all, this is a form of borrowing.毕竟,这其实也是借钱。
4.After all, actions speak louder than words.毕竟,行动胜于空谈。
5.After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.毕竟,情人眼里出西施。
6.After all, I have to make some examination.我毕竟得检查一下。
7.After all, @When in Rome, do as the Romans do.毕竟,人总要“入境随俗”嘛。
8.However, he was after all a married man.可是,他毕竟已有家室,
9.After all, pets are people, too.毕竟,宠物也有灵性!
10.So you see I was right after all!你看,毕竟还是我对吧!
11.After all,he has had a good innings.毕竟他有过一段好时机。
12.After all, the British do speak English.英国人毕竟是说英语。
13.a teen-ager is a teen ager.青少年毕竟是青少年。
14.After all, we're the backbone of the country.我们毕竟是国家的栋梁。
15.Comparative Research of Four Expositive Adverbs: "bijing" "daodi" "zhongjiu" "jiujing";评注性副词“毕竟”、“到底”、“终究”、“究竟”的对比研究
16.after all, she is your boss, so invite her; he is, after all, our president.毕竟她是你的老板,邀请她吧;他毕竟是我们的校(会 、行)长。
17.After all, things don't just happen by chance,do they.毕竟,事情并不都是偶然的,是不是?
18.After all, Henry might see the picture in the paper.亨利毕竟会从报纸上看到这一照片的。

After all nothing is gained.毕竟归零。
3)A wolf is after all a wolf.狼毕竟是狼。
4)eventually orthodox semigroup毕竟纯整半群
1.Rectangular group congruences on eventually orthodox semigroup;毕竟纯整半群上的矩形群同余
5)eventually regular semigroup毕竟正则半群
1.Congruences and ■(■) relations on eventually regular semigroups;毕竟正则半群上的同余及■(■)关系
2.■(■) andγrelations on eventually regular semigroups;毕竟正则半群上的■(■)与γ关系
3.Group congruences on an eventually regular semigroup;毕竟正则半群上的群同余
6)liberal orthogroup毕竟丰富半群

毕竟【毕竟】 (杂语)物之至极最终也。