1.Based on the patientization, though lots of examples, this paper get a priority sequence: patient>agent>dative>location>material>instrument, which is the case sequence that can be designated by "V de(的)".本文以受事化为基础,通过对大量语料的观察,借助于句式“V的+是+N”,得出了“V的”转指语义成分的优先序列:受事>施事>与事>处所>材料>工具,在这条语义序列上,越靠近受事,“的”字结构越容易对其进行指称。
2.On the basis of patientization and through lots of examples,the paper gets a priority sequence: patient>dative >agent> location>material/instrument,which is the case sequence that can be designated by "V de(的)".文章以受事化为基础,通过对大量语料的观察,借助于句式"V的+是+N",得出了"V的"转指语义成分的优先序列:受事>与事>施事>处所>材料/工具,在这条语义序列上,越靠近受事,"V的"越容易对其进行指称。
1.The Historical Evovlvement and a Comparative Study of Patient-Initial Patterns between Archaic and Mordern;汉语受事前置句结构的演变及对比研究
2.The complements and the position of patient in Chinese;动词后补足成分与受事位置
3.A Study on Syntactic Realization of Agent& Patient from the Angle of Sentactic Taxonomy;义类视角下施事、受事句法实现的考察

1."Patient_1+Move+Patient_2" of Chinese Titles;汉语标题之“受事_1+动作+受事_2”
2.Accept what happened and move on.接受事实,继续生活。
3.The fact or state of being deceived.受骗受骗的事实或状态
4.get a sermon on...因…事受训诫 [申斥]
5.suffer or be punished for sth为某事吃苦头或受惩罚
6.If you do wrong,you deserve punishment.如果你做错事,就应受罚。
7.You'll suffer for this!你会因这件事而受罚!
8.was Badly shaken up By the accident.因那次事故而饱受惊吓
9.If he plays fool, he will get his gruel.他干蠢事,就会受到惩罚。
10.bitter pill to swallow1. 不得不忍受的苦事
11.cram sth. down sb.'s throat1.强迫某人接受某事
12.I could not bear the employment.我受不了这个差事。
13.I've had quite enough of that style of thing.那种事我已经受够了。
14.I don't want to commit myself in that matter.我不想受那件事的约束。
15.refuse to accept or acknowledge.拒绝接受或承认某事物。
16.I was regularly taken in over that business.这件事我完全受骗了。
17.receptive to new developments对新事物接受得快的.
18.apt to pick up new subjects(青年)容易接受新事物

1.The Historical Evovlvement and a Comparative Study of Patient-Initial Patterns between Archaic and Mordern;汉语受事前置句结构的演变及对比研究
2.The complements and the position of patient in Chinese;动词后补足成分与受事位置
3.A Study on Syntactic Realization of Agent& Patient from the Angle of Sentactic Taxonomy;义类视角下施事、受事句法实现的考察
1.Reason for ambiguous relation of agent and object;施事、受事语义关系不明的歧义成因
2.The paper studies and discusses the research achievements of the object used as subject in recent years.本文整理了近年来有关受事主语句的研究成果,并作一简评。
3.The essay summed up the sentences which objects are located before their verbs.采用归纳的方法 ,总结了汉语中受事位于动词前的几个句式 ,根据它们出现的环境、使用的规律 ,从句法、语义、语用三个方面确定它们的性质 ,并试图为对外汉语教学提供一些思
5)post factum bribery事后受贿
1.In our legal practice,there are some types of post factum bribery,that is,the post factum bribery which the bribe is promised before factum(including accepted before or after demission) and the post factum bribery which the bribe isn t promised before factum(including accepted after or before demission).事后受贿是受贿罪的非典型形态,我国司法实践中有事前有约定的事后受贿(分为狭义的事后受贿和职后受贿)、事前无约定的事后受贿(分为事前无约定的在职事后受贿和职后受贿)多种事后受贿行为。
2.The post factum bribery is an untypical act of bribery crime.事后受贿是受贿罪的非典型形态,我国司法实践中有多种事后受贿行为:事前约定的狭义事后受贿、事前约定的职后受贿、事前无约定的事后受贿和事前无约定的职后受贿。
3.When identifying whether or not an act of post factum bribery, an untypical act of accepting bribes, constitutes the crime of bribery, the key issue would be the understanding of the constitutive elements of the crime in question.事后受贿是受贿行为的非典型形式,此行为是否构成受贿罪,关键在于对受贿罪犯罪构成的理解。

受事1.接受职事或职务。 2.受所教之事。 3.句子里受动作支配的人或事物。如:"我看报"的"报","猫捉老鼠"的"老鼠"。表示受事的名词不一定做句子的宾语,如"衣服送来了"的"衣服"是受事,但是做句子的主语。