1.The meaning of character cao(曹) is to try in words a litigation between plaintiff and defendant.“”字的甲骨文形体为上“(東東)”下“口”的会意字,“”字的字形义为以言词审理原告被告双方的诉讼。

1.Speak of the devil and here she is.说操,操就到。
2.Look, speak of the devil, and here he appears.瞧,说操,操到。
3.Talk of devil and he'll appear说到操,操就到
4.John said he'd be coming-and talk of the devil here he is now.约翰说他要来,结果说操,操就到。
5.Speak of the devil! Some of the girls were just talking about you.说橾,操到!一些女孩正在谈你。
6.Speak of the devil! All of us were just talking about you.说橾,操到!我们都正在谈你。
7.Speak of the devil! John and I were just talking about you.说橾,操到!约翰和我正在谈你。
8.Speak of the devil! Everyone was just talking about you.说橾,操到!大家都正在谈你。
9.Sure of angels, and you will hear their wings.说鬼就见鬼,说操就到。
10.genus and family are coextensive and comprise only the cobia.与军鱼科同畴并且仅包括军鱼。
11.Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear.讲着某人,某人就到;说起操,操就到。
12.The Contrast Between Personality and Writing Style of Caocao and Caozhi;操、植父子文格与人格的矛盾比对
13.Arriving at the Same End by Different Means--On the Joint Literary Values of Cao Pi and Cao Zhi;殊途同归:丕与植文学价值合流论
14.Reprove Cao Xue qin Is The Posthumous Child of CaoYong;甄贾辨真芹——再证雪芹即颙遗腹子
15.Who'd have thought there was this Ts'ao fellow!谁知道还有个姓的!
16.It was just because of this that Cao Cao was defeated.操吃亏就在这个地方。
17.Cao Gui answered, 'Fighting needs spirit.刿说:“打仗要考勇气。
18.Among which, Xunxuan Cao achieved a victory in the middle game.其中薰铉在中盘取胜。

Cao Fu曹
1.In this article the writer believes that Zhi Yanzhai is Cao Xueqin s uncle Cao Fu from the notes to the use of the book in 1754 edition and five names for this book in the main body, together with Zhi Yanzhai s notations and the historical data about Cao s family.从甲戌本“凡例”和正文中提到的五个书名入手 ,结合脂批和家史料 ,认为脂砚斋即是雪芹之叔 ,雪芹在自己旧作《风月宝鉴》和自述经历之述本的基础上 ,融合家两代人的兴衰 ,艺术性地创作了这部作
3)Cao Cao曹操
1.Cai Yan s Literary Creation and His Relation with Cao Cao;蔡琰的文学创作及与操关系之述评
2.The Reader Dimension and Acceptance Effect on the Image of Cao Cao;读者维度的操形象与文学接受效应
4)CAO Yu曹禺
1.The Logical Construction of CAO Yu s Plays after 1949;论禺后期戏剧的艺术构造逻辑
2.Realism in Cao Yu s Early Drama;禺早期剧作现实主义的独特性
3.Is the first edition of Thurderstorm the edition that can t be revised in Cao Yu′s life?;《雷雨》初版是禺“一生不改的版本”吗?
5)Cao Zhi曹植
1.Moral Integrity High, Language ferfect——on Achievements of CAO Zhi s Wuyan Poems;骨气奇高 辞采华茂——关于植五言诗的艺术成就
2.On Taoism Cultural Influence upon Cao Zhi s Creating Poetry;论道家文化对植辞赋创作的影响
6)Cao Pi曹丕
1.A Study of Cao Pi s Opinions on Literature and Their Significance;论丕文学思想及其意义
2.On Cao Pi s poems about women;论丕女性题材的诗歌创作
