1.So the orientation should be transformed noble virtues into honesty first,nobility second,which orientation the former should be emphasized.当前我国道德教育目标定位于少数社会楷模才能达到的高尚品德,存在要求过高的问题。

1.a generous mind, spirit, etc高尚的心、 精神等
2.The nobly born must nobly do.出身高尚者行为也应高尚
3.Well-serviced formal city服务齐全的高尚城市
4.an excellent gift for all seasons四季适用的高尚礼品
5.This is a high calling.这是一个高尚的职业。
6.He is a statesman of the highest timber.他是个高尚的政治家。
7.Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.感恩是精神高尚的标志。
8.honest and morally upright.诚实的,精神高尚的。
9.She is willing to donate money to a worthy cause.她愿为高尚的事业捐款。
10.They are never alone accompanied by noble thoughts思想高尚者决不会孤单
11.The noble soul has reverence for itself.灵魂高尚的人必自尊
12.He is a man of high principle.他是节操高尚的人。
13.He's a noble man of moral integrity.他是一个节操高尚的人。
14.He is a man of strong moral fiber.他是个道德高尚的人。
15.moral excellence or admirableness.道德高尚或令人尊敬。
16.Honour is the noblest chase.荣誉是最高尚的追求。
17.She has exquisite tastes and manners.她有高尚的情趣与举止。
18.He has exquisite tastes and manners.他有高尚的情趣和举止。

1.Study on the Rheological Characteristics of the 27.12% Cuproxat Suspension Concentrate;铜高尚悬浮剂的流变特性研究
4)noble altruism高尚利他
5)advanced district of living高尚社区
6)lofty character高尚品德
1.On the basis of discriminating and analyzing these conceptions differently,analyzing the similarities and differences between social morality and personal virtue,national morality and lofty character,we can understand and grasp the true connotation,peculiarity of social morality and the train of thought about it s development.学术界主要存有四种关于社会公德概念的代表性说法,在分别对这些概念进行辨析的基础上,通过分析社会公德与个人私德、国民公德和高尚品德等相关概念的区别与联系,有助于加深对社会公德的真正内涵、特性及相关建设思路的理解和把握。
