
1.To play the role or portray the part of(a character;impersonate.饰演,扮演表演角色或扮演…的角色(人物);假扮
2.play (at) soldiers扮演军人,做扮演军人的游戏
3.He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner.在这出戏里他既扮演雇农又扮演矿工。
4.To perform in a dramatic role or roles.扮演,担当戏剧角色中扮演
5.Which actor represented Hamlet?哪位演员扮演哈姆雷特?
6.The director cast me as a scientist.导演选派我扮演科学家。
7.Let's pretend to play music.我们来扮演乐曲演奏吧。
8.To perform or act(a role or part) in a dramatic performance.扮演在戏剧演出中表演或扮演(一个角色)
9.To feign an action or a character, as in play.扮演假扮某种行为或某个角色,如在戏剧中假扮
10.Caroline Goodall as Mia's mom;Caroline Goodall扮演的米娅的母亲;
12.re - enact a character in a play再次扮演剧中一角色
13.A person given to clowning and joking.扮演丑角和开玩笑的人
14.He portrayed King Lear in the play.他在这戏里扮演李尔王。
15.Othello played by Olivier.奥立维扮演奥赛罗。
16.Play the title role of a film扮演影片的片名角色
17.his rendering of Hamlet他扮演的哈姆雷特.
18.He did Hamlet last night.她昨夜扮演哈姆雷特。

role play角色扮演
1.Classroom role play as a teaching methodology and its values;“课堂角色扮演”教学法的实施及其价值探讨
2.Objective To study the application means and effects of role play in the practical teaching Fundamentals of Nursing.目的探讨角色扮演法在《护理学基础》实践教学中的应用方法与效果。
3.Results Role play used in education enlightened students to scan and manage themselves and improved their social values;Role play used in teaching made students study and apply smartly,which brought a profound signification.目的:探讨角色扮演在教育教学中的作用。
3)Role playing角色扮演
1.Influence of role playing on self-concept of schizophrenia patients;角色扮演对精神分裂症病人自我概念的影响
2.A restricted view for role playing in physics teaching;浅议角色扮演在中学物理课堂教学中的应用
3.On the basis of the view for the role playing experiment fully reflected the guidance of teachers and student-centered, this article gave out a more thorough analysis and useful discussions on the basic content, objectives, characteristics, classification, experimental design and teaching process of role playing for business experiments.在明确了角色扮演实验充分体现了以教师为主导、学生为主体的教学观的基础上,对商学角色扮演实验的基本内涵、目的、特点、分类、实验设计以及教学过程进行了较为透彻的分析与有益的探讨。
1.Application of role-playing teaching method to teaching Jinshang as a course of traditional Chinese medicine;角色扮演式教学法在中医筋伤学教学中的应用
2.A Study of the Role-Playing Phenomenon in Blog Spaces;博客空间中的角色扮演现象研究
3.The Construction of a First Aid Educational Game Base on Role-playing基于角色扮演的安全急救知识教育游戏构建
1.This paper explores the principles of L2 role-play and investigates its experimental effects from a perspective of perlocutionary acts,socio-psychology and systemic functional theory of context.本文从言后行为、社会心理和系统功能语言学语境理论视角探讨了L2角色扮演的原理与效用。
2.This paper reports an experiment on role-play conducted under digital and cyber circumstances.本文报告了一项数码和网络环境下的角色扮演实验。
3.This paper focuses on the practice of role-play in Business English teaching to explore the possibility and practicality of this teaching method.角色扮演作为交际教学法的一种,已经在英语教学中得到了广泛的应用。
6)duality in playing双重扮演
