1.The lexical sematic evolution of the eating verb "tatse" seems very strange among numerous eating verbs,illustrated by the fact that the eating verb "taste" transformed into a mood auxiliary word finally.在众多的"饮食类"动词中,""的词义演变轨迹很独特,它由饮食动词最终发展成了语气助词。

1."I would like to try the whisky."“我想威士忌。”
2.Taste the hashish, guest of mine--taste the hashish."大麻吧,我的客人,大麻吧
3.To have an anticipatory taste of.先到…的滋味
4.Let's try the draught.让我们散装的吧。
5.Give him a taste of the whip.让他鞭子的味道。
6.You shall smell of the whip.要你鞭子的味儿。
7.Try our red wine.我们的红葡萄酒吧。
8.Dip into this dish and see how it tastes这菜的味道怎样。
9.I'll try a steak sandwich.我想牛排三明治。
10.He never even tasted the soup.那汤他连也没一下。
11.He tasted the soup to see if he had put enough salt in it.他汤, 看是否够咸.
12.He taste the soup to see if he have put enough salt in it.他汤, 看是否够咸。
13.'Will you taste, messmate?'“你要不要,伙计?”
14.An initial attempt or endeavor, especially a tentative attempt.试企图初次试或努力,尤指暂时性的
15.If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again.如果开头你未成功,那就该试,试,再试。
16.the restaurant critic who must sample a little of everything.餐馆品员必须把每样东西都一点
17.Explore the old streets with their art galleries, antiques shops and small cafes and restaurants.不过,千万别忘了溶化奶油干酪。
18.She sampled the wine before giving it to the others.她先酒,然后才给别人喝。

taste of the pudding尝尝布丁
3)Just taste this.尝尝看。
1.Attempt of Teaching model of Analytical Chemical Experiment;优化分析化学实验课教学模式的
2.Primary attempt to build learning type enterprises;关于建立学习型企业的初浅
3.Attempt and Application of Task-driving Pattern in Computer Courses;任务驱动模式在计算机学科中的试与应用
1.In this paper,some experiments and analyses on the course-reform of Engineering-material in the teaching content,teaching method and examination method is put up;and some essential use for reference is provided for the course-reform from now on.本文针对工程材料课程在教学内容、教学方法及考试方式等方面的改革进行了一些试,并就此进行了一些调查与分析,为今后课程的进一步教学改革提供必要的借鉴作用。
2.In recent years, we have made essential experiments on the course reform and got better teaching efficiency.近年来我院对该课程进行了有益的教学改革试,取得了较好的教学效果。
1.A Study of Developing Students Intelligence——A Try at Teaching Descriptive Geometry with Module;努力开发学生智能的实验研究——在画法几何教学中进行模块式教学的
2.In a word,it is a bold try for buildinng a new forestry system and management model.股份合作制林场是林业体制和经营模式改革的大胆试。
3.Try Of Teaching Methods Of Civil Procedural Law;本人根据多年的教学经验,在《民事诉讼法学》的教学实践中,进行了大胆的试,认为在教学中应注重讲授式、问题式、讨论式、复习式、网络式五种教学方法。
