1.According to the theory of grammaticalization, this study based on previous studies,discusses the grammaticalization of a kind of adverb from the diachronic point of view,which is frequently used, and rhetorical theory which is a mechanism for grammaticalization.这一转变也就是抽象化、虚化的过程,而转喻和隐喻(修辞化的具体方式)则构成了这一转变的重要机制。
2.So the people discussing about principles start to chase after a word of great beauty,to result in a rhetorical tendency.玄谈士人受时代因素的影响,开始追求词藻的华丽,使玄谈出现了一种修辞化的倾向。

1.Shenmu:Rhetoric of characters' symbols and rhetoric illusion《神木》:人物符号修辞化与修辞幻象
2.Rhetoricization:A Theoretic Topic in the Studies of the History of Chinese Rhetoric修辞化:汉语修辞史研究的理论探索话题
3.Rhetoric Identification of Writers Subjective "Presence;躺、坐、站、走:主体“在场”姿态的修辞化认证
4.On the Style of "Zhuangzi" and Rhetorical Tendency of Discussion in Eastern Jin论《庄子》文风与东晋玄谈的修辞化倾向
5.Rhetonic has three types: Figure rhetoric, Cultural rhetoric and Philosophical rhetoric.辞格学可以有三种:修辞辞格学、文化辞格学和哲学辞格学。
6.A Brief Discussion on the Science of Rhetoric;略论修辞学的科学化——兼评王希杰修辞思想
7.(rhetoric) characterized by or of the nature of a trope or tropes; changed from its literal sense.(修辞学)具有修辞或比喻的特征或性质;从字面意义变化而来。
8.On Chinese Modern Rhetorical Changes in Study Perspective;浅议汉语现代修辞学研究视野的变化
9.Melts Releases with the Rhetoric Legal Regulation Speech and Its the Charm Micro;“化用”修辞手法例话及其魅力释微
10.English idioms from food culture and their figure of speech;源于饮食文化的英语习语及修辞特点
11.The Literary Inquisition of Ming and Qing Dynasty-basedon the Analysis of Cultural Rhetoric;明清文字狱——基于文化的修辞解读
12.Rhetorical Activities Deeply Affected and Restricted by National Culture;深受民族文化影响和制约的修辞活动
13.The Contrast on the Chinese and the Western Cultural Rhetorical Similarities and Differences;中西修辞文化相似性与差异性的对比
14.On the Difference between English and Chinese Culture from the Similarities and Differences of Metaphor;从比喻修辞格的异同看英汉文化差异
15.Research on the “rhetoric lexicalization” based on new words and expressions corpus;基于新词语语料库的修辞词汇化研究
16.On Stylized Rhetorical Devices of Pairing Metaphorical Allusion in"Huaer",a Kind of Folk Song in Northwestern Part of China;论"花儿"中的对喻程式化修辞手法
17.On the Cultural Meaning and Rhetorical Features of French Idiom;试论法语成语的文化内涵及修辞特征
18.The Course Structure of Culture Rhetoric and Its Theory System;文化修辞学的学科构建及其理论体系

cultural rhetoric文化修辞
1.This paper,according to the angle of the generalized rhetoric of contemporary Chinese language,discusses tea from the romance love,etiquettes and religions,some artistic aesthetic aspects to prove that tea is a cultural rhetoric prototype rich in lingering charm as well as a good drink.茶不仅是饮品,从现代汉语广义修辞学的角度来看,它在婚恋、礼仪、宗教、艺术审美几个方面有着丰富的文化修辞意义,是一个意蕴丰厚的文化修辞原型。
2.Popular culture is not only a new cultural expression and an artifact but also a cultural rhetorical strategy and a special economic form of contemporary society.流行文化通过各种文本修辞和运作修辞的选择,创造并维持一种基本的修辞关系,修辞关系各方以一种互相填平的方式成全对方;流行文化不仅是一种商品,一项工艺,一种社会力量,而且还是当代社会的一种文化修辞学,一种推动社会发展的特殊经济形态。
3.As a social rhetoric,contemporary Chinese literary criticism has been characteristic of social signals and cultural ruptures for the past 60 years,which can be found in the alternatives of political rhetoric,aesthetic rhetoric and cultural rhetoric.作为一种社会修辞,中国当代文论近60年的发展过程中,话语策略呈现明显的标志性、断裂性,具体表征为政治修辞、审美修辞和文化修辞的交错更替。
3)rhetoric culture修辞文化
4)individual rhetoric个体化修辞
1.This kind of diffusion path projects the transformation of media narration from the construction of imaginary community by traditional media to individual rhetoric by Net-suffers in new media age.这种传播路径凸现了媒介叙事的转型,即从传统媒体致力于想像共同体的建构到新媒介时代网民的个体化修辞。
5)rhetoric in culture文化修辞学
6)cross-cultural rhetoric study跨文化修辞

《修辞格》  中国第一部系统研究汉语修辞格的著作。1923年商务印书馆出版。唐钺著。唐钺(1891~ ),字擘黄,福建人。早年参加孙中山领导的同盟会,1914年入美国康奈尔大学和哈佛大学研究心理学,1920年获博士学位。1921年回国,曾任上海商务印书馆编辑所教育组组长,中央研究院心理研究所研究员及所长,北京大学、清华大学心理学教授,现为北京大学心理系教授。    《修辞格》参考英国学者J.C.讷斯菲尔德的《高中英语作文》(1910),对汉语修辞格共分5大类27格。第1 类:产生于比较的修辞格,包括显比、隐比、寓言、相形、反言、阶升、趋下6格。第2类:产生于联想的修辞格,包括伴名、类名、迁德3格。第3类:产生于想象的修辞格,包括拟人、呼告、想见、扬厉4格。第4类:产生于婉曲的修辞格,包括微辞、舛辞、冷语、负辞、诘问、感叹、同辞、婉辞、纡辞9格。第5类:产生于有意重复的修辞格,包括反复、俪辞、排句、复字 4格。《修辞格》的用例,均取自古代诗词文赋,是一部文言修辞格。    《修辞格》所列诸格的名称继承了汉代董仲舒《春秋繁露》、宋代陈骙《文则》、元代陈绎曾《文说》等的传统。如婉辞、微辞见《春秋繁露》,显比、隐比即《文则》的直喻、隐喻,婉辞、隐比即《文说》的婉语、隐语。《修辞格》至今仍为研究汉语修辞学的重要参考读物,影响深远。(见彩图)