1.Notes on the Words of Huainanzi·shizexun《淮南子·时则训》语辞札记

1.A Note On Two Words From Jottings Made In Tang And Sung Dynasties-After reading Collected Commentaries On Words in Jottings Made in Tang and Sung Dynasties - A Reference Book on Words;唐宋笔记语辞札记——读《唐宋笔记语辞汇释·语辞备考录》
2.English Figure of Speech-Metaphor Is Chinese Figure of Speech-Metaphor ?;英语辞格Metaphor是“暗喻”吗?
3.A comparative study of Syllepsis and Zeugma;英语辞格Syllepsis与Zeugma辨析
4.The Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Oxymoron;汉语辞格反映和英语辞格Oxymoron的对比与翻译
5.Comparing English Figures of Speech-REPETITION with Chinese Corresponding Figures of Speech and their Translation英语辞格REPETITION与相关汉语修辞格的对比及其翻译
6.The apparent meaning and intended meaning of irony;反语修辞“辞面”和“辞里”之新探
7.A Study of the Figure Parallelism;英语Parallelism修辞格
8.Context can roughly be divided into two kinds: linguistic context and extralinguistic context.语境由“言辞语境”和“言辞外语境”组成。
9.Comparison between A Talk on Grammatical Rhetoric and Chinese Rhetoric in rhetoric view《语法修辞讲话》和《汉语修辞学》修辞观的比较
10.Semantic Grammatical and Rhetorical Study of "And;“And”语义、语法、修辞功能研究
11.To make or render phrases, as in reading aloud.措辞,念辞制造或说出短语,如朗读时
12.Confucian Perspective on and Strategies of Rhetoric: With the Analects as an Exemplar;从《论语》看孔子的修辞思想与修辞策略
13.Rhetorical Function of Onomatopoeia;英语拟声辞格的形式及文本修辞功能
14.The Methods of Constructing Understatement and Its Rhetorical Function;英语修辞格understatement的构造方法及修辞功能
16.The Interpretation of Lici,Guci,Zhongci in the Rites--Complement and Correction for the Interpretation in the Chinese Dictionary试说《仪礼》中的“三辞”:礼辞、固辞、终辞——兼补正《汉语大词典》的遗漏和释义
17.Discourse Markers: A Linguistic-Rhetoric Account;话语标记语语用功能的语言修辞研究
18.a well-turned compliment, phrase, etc措辞优美的赞扬、 词语等.

grammatical rhetoric语法修辞
1.This article mainly discusses inversion and ellipsis,the two grammatical rhetoric techniques of an abstract writing of the medical English research paper.本文主要探讨医学论文英文摘要写作中两种主要的语法修辞手段:倒装和省略。
2.According to the principles of grammatical rhetoric and editorial science, some common problems of paper structure and language expression in the contributions received were analyzed with the standardized writing clearly proposed.根据编辑学、语法修辞学理论 ,针对科技论文手稿中在论文结构、语言表达等方面存在的比较普遍的问题进行分析 ,并明确规范用法 ,旨在使科技论文作者撰写论文时注意养成良好的写作习惯 ,不断提高写作水平 ,从而提高论文质量 ,提高投稿命中率 。
3)phonetic rhetoric语音修辞
1.Discussion on Chinese rhythm and phonetic rhetoric;试论汉语节奏与语音修辞
2.The combination of loudness is one of the crucial elements of the phonetic rhetoric in Chinese.响度组合是汉语语音修辞的要素之一。
3.Mobile-phone Messages,adopted the long traditional phonetic rhetorical methods,are a new kind of colloquia literature,which not only bring us simple happiness and musical beauty,but also let us feel the phonetic charm of modern Chinese.手机文学短信这一新兴俗文学样式,运用自古有之的各种语音修辞手段,在给我们提供最简单的快乐的同时,也带给了我们音乐之美,让我们从另一个方面感受到了中国现代汉语的语音魅力。
4)rhetorical figure修辞语用
5)English rhetoric英语修辞
1.On the Relationship between English rhetoric and English Writing试论英语修辞与英语写作中的遣词之间的关系
2.English rhetoric and approaches of english rhetoric are often mingled together by certain people.当前有很多人把英语修辞与英语修辞手法混为一谈。
3.This paper presents that researchers on the English rhetoric should stand on a high position of such subjects as philosophy, social psychology, aesthetics, psychological linguistics, etc.提出英语修辞的研究应站在哲学、社会心理学、美学、认知语言学等诸多学科的高度,从宏观上研究英语修辞现象,揭示英语修辞的普遍规律;应借助科学的方法进行研究,增强认识的穿透力;应从各个角度利用多种学科的透镜去审视英语修辞,得出一个全新的体系。
6)Chinese rhetoric汉语修辞
1.The Relationship between Chinese rhetoric and Chinese culture;论汉语修辞与汉文化的关系
2.The paper discusses the interaction between the Chinese rhetorical history and the Chinese culture.本文探讨汉语修辞史与中国文化的互动关系,即研究汉语修辞演变与中国文化发展如何相互推动。
3.Chinese rhetoric is deeply rooted in Chinese culture.汉语修辞深深植根于民族文化的沃土之中。

语辞1.诉讼之辞。 2.文言虚字。