1.This paper studies on the Mahasanghavinaya, and the study includes three points.本文以《摩訶僧祇律》為研究對象,内容包括:(1)對其中的處所介詞進行詳細的調查分析和系統研究;(2)在此基礎上,與同時期的佛經文獻及中土文獻進行比較研究;(3)選取《摩訶僧祇律》中幾個新興的介詞進行歷時平面上的考察,勾勒其發展演變的軌迹。
1.A Research on New Words in Mahasamghika in the East Jin Dynasty《摩诃僧祇律》中所见东晋新词研究

1.The Compare of the Story Between Mahasangha-vinaya and Dharmagupta-vinaya;《摩诃僧祇律》与《四分律》记述故事之比较
2.A Research on New Words in Mahasamghika in the East Jin Dynasty《摩诃僧祇律》中所见东晋新词研究
3.A Study on Constituent Semantics of Disyllable Compound Structure in Mahāsāmghika-vinaya;《摩诃僧祇律》双音复合结构语义复合关系研究
4."mokesa" is the abbreviation of "mokesachui",is the Bodhisattva;“摩诃萨”为“摩诃萨?省钡氖÷?即菩萨;
5.Textual and Calligraphic Research on a Fragmentary Dunhuang MS,P.2160;P.2160《摩诃摩耶经》书法残卷考订
6.On the Essence of Aesthetics of the Indian Epic Mahabharata;论印度史诗《摩诃婆罗多》的美学本质
7.The Comparison to the Plot structure between the Epic Mahabharata and the Masterpiece Romance of the Three Kingdoms《摩诃婆罗多》与《三国演义》情节结构比较
8.According to Hinduism - Mahasamadhi - also spelled Maha Samadhi - is the final conscious abandoning of the physical body.根据印度教——摩诃三摩地——又叫大三摩地——是抛弃肉身的最终意识。
9.Mo He Yan the Characteristics of that Chan Thought and It is in Spread of Tibet;摩诃衍那禅思想的特点及其在西藏的传播
10.The Worries of Identity in Primitive Ages;远古时代的身份焦虑——《摩诃婆罗多》的主题研究
11.The Temptation of the Orient: Brook s Mahabharta;东方的诱惑?——评彼得·布鲁克导演的《摩诃婆罗多》
12.Mongols Worship of Mahakala in the Yuan Dynasty and the Literature about It;论元代蒙古人摩诃葛剌神崇拜及其文学作品
13.These cards were made of cloth and depicted motifs from the Ramayana, Mahabharata, etc.这些扑克是用布料制造,描述《罗摩衍那》、《摩诃婆罗多》等主题。
14.Themes from the Ramayana and Mahabharata are painted on these cards.来自《罗摩衍那》和《摩诃婆罗多》的主题也描绘在这些扑克上。
15.The Legal Regulation by Law of Tang Dynasty and Its Characteristics about Monk and Taoist Priest;《唐律》对僧道的法律规定及其特点
16.TRADITIONAL VIEW OF HINDU ON WAR印度教传统中的战争观——对史诗《摩诃婆罗多》的个案分析
17.Manjusri Samadhi and One-practice Samadhi文殊三昧与一行三昧——以《文殊师利所说摩诃般若波罗蜜经》为中心
18.On "Jiuseng" Style Poems--A Discussion on the Decline of Five-characters Eight-lines Poems In Song Dynasty;论九僧诗——兼论五言律诗在宋代的衰落

1.A Research on New Words in Mahasamghika in the East Jin Dynasty《摩诃僧祇律》中所见东晋新词研究
1.This dissertation,with linguistic materials from the Middle Ancient Chinese translation of Mahāsāmghika-vinaya,makes an inquiry into vocabulary of Mahāsāmghika-vinaya.本文以东晋佛陀跋陀罗和法显翻译的部派大众部的戒律《摩诃僧祗律》为语料,采用共时和历时相结合的方法,通过定量和定性的分析,对《摩诃僧祗律》的词汇进行研究。
1.Based on the research and study of predecessors,this article,united the first-hand data of the author in the fieldwork,expounds the main gods enshrined and its ceremony,connotation and Causes of formation on the Tus vollage in the Sanchuan of Minghe county.本文在前人调查研究基础上,结合笔者在田野调查中所取得的第一手资料,对民和三川地区土族村寨中供奉的主要神祇和相关仪式及其内涵、成因进行了论述。
2.In this article,it tries to integrate the problems about the nature and gods in Jiu Ge with typical viewpoints from Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty,and put the stress on discussing new points about its nature in recent years.本文研究的特点,在于将对《九歌》性质、神祇的探讨,与明清以来较具代表性的见解联系起来,并将重点放在对最近十余年所提出的新说的评述上。

僧祇户  北朝时,由专理寺院的僧官机构僧曹所管理的人户。当时佛教兴盛。百姓逃避赋役,有的削发为僧尼,有的投靠寺院为依附农民。北魏皇兴三年 (469)至承明元年(476)间,沙门统(即朝廷所设的僧官)昙曜建议,平齐户(467年北魏南侵宋青州,俘获的人民中有一部分所谓"民望"即地主被安置在平城,并在附近设立一个平齐郡,这些人就称为"平齐户")、凉州军户(亦为北魏平定凉州后被迫迁移到代京一带的人户)和民户。有能年输谷六十斛入僧曹者,粟称"僧祇粟",户为"僧祇户"。昙曜奏议获准,州镇僧曹普遍拥有僧祇户和僧祇粟。    僧祇户不是国家的编户,除向僧曹纳僧祇粟外,一般不服杂役。其身分与屯田户相似。僧祇户不属于某一寺院,而由僧曹统领,实为寺院团体之佃客。僧祇粟由州郡都维那、维那(州郡僧官)掌管,欠年贷出,丰年收入;也可施给僧尼,赈济贫民。    其后,主管僧曹者贷出僧祇粟谋利,不管水旱天灾,责本还息。有的偿利过本,有的翻改契券,致使贫弱下户,倍受侵逼。又役使僧祇户,随意逼召,离乡远役。如凉州赵苟子等二百家僧祇户由于僧官违章逼令离乡服役,其中五十多人自杀而死。永平四年(515)宣武帝诏:僧祇粟令所在州刺史,会同维那、都维那共同监括;尚书检有僧祇粟处,按州开列原有谷数、出入赢利、赈济多少,并贷偿年月、现在或未收等数,送台省登记,又允许僧祇户还乡输课,欠年以课谷周济贫弱,在边镇的僧祇户,如遇战事,用以防边。建德三年(574),北周武帝灭佛,僧祇户改变成为编户。    北齐、北周之后,虽不见有属于僧曹的僧祇户,但依附于某一寺院的类似僧祇户的农户,隋唐时期一直存在。