1.Whether BuDa is a degree adverb or not is a controversial issue in linguistic circle, a definite knowledge of the process and motivation of the lexicalization of BuDa is still lacking .“不大”是否为一个程度副词,学界一直存在争议,对“不大”的词汇化过程和动因也缺乏明确的认识。

1.She did not speak much Italian,她不大会说意大利语,
2.make less natural or unnatural.使不大自然或不自然的。
3.He is unfortunate who cannot bear misfortune .不幸不能忍,乃是大不幸。
4.He would have no row.他不想和她大吵大闹。
5.You needn't blow your own trumpet.你用不着大吹大擂。
6.Absolutely cannot spend money lavishly.绝不能花钱大手大脚。
7.The biggest island is called the Great Britain.最大的岛叫做大不列颠。
8.Big men are not necessarily strong.大个子不一定力气大。
9.The elephant is very big. It can't pass through the door.大象太大,通不过这扇门。
10."Oh, no aunt!" entreated Rose.“哦,不能这样,大妈
11.That's not (much in) my line, ie not one of my skills or interests.那我可不(大)在行.
12.Speak out, I can't hear you.大声说,我听不见。
13.a variation in colour [ size ]颜色[大小]的不同
14."De doctah ain' been home all day."大夫整天不在家。
15."On the other hand, the scheme may fizzle out.“大概是不行的罢?
16.No, it is about two minutes slow.不,它大概慢两分。
17."No. You look like a big dragonfly!"“不像,像只大蜻蜓
18.be compelled to answer a bold "No".被迫大胆回答“不”。

large unbalance大不平衡
1.Limitation of large unbalance nonlinear vibration numerical calculation answer is discussed.讨论理论分析大不平衡非线性振动响应的局限性,指出大不平衡总是伴随着动静碰摩的发生。
3)Too Big To Fail大而不倒
1.Theory and Empirical Study on the Bailout Policy of"Too Big To Fail";“大而不倒”救助政策的理论和实证研究
4)the "Bu Da VP"不大VP
1.An Analysis on the "Bu Da VP" Structure;现代汉语“不大VP”结构
5)the problem of too big to fail大则不倒
1.But the problems,such as the problem of moral hazard,the problem of adverse selection and the problem of too big to fail,affect actually the function of this system.但是,一些国家银行存款保险制度中存在的“道德风险”、“逆向选择”及“大则不倒”等问题,客观上影响了存款保险制度功效的发挥。
6)invariant great circle不变大圆
