
1.of or relating to Thailand or its peoples or languages or culture.属于或关于国、国人、语或国文化的。
2.Liu Guoli in Room 715.刘国利,715。
3.Shi Gandang of Mt. Tai Should Be Tai Yan Tang or Tai Yan Huang;“山石敢当”原为“巖堂”或“巖皇”——“山皇玺”考识
4.Of or relating to the Altai Mountains.阿尔山的阿尔山的或与阿尔山有关的
5.Tanya [tropical cyclone]妮亚〔热带气旋〕
6.article in The Times《晤士报》的文章
7.WOW! THAT'S COOL, TED.喔!德,那真酷!
8.She said, @Teddy, you have it all wrong.“德,你完全错了。
9."Tai means leaving of the small and coming of the big, so it is auspicious and smooth."“,小往大来,吉,亨。”
10.cloisonne work [ware]景蓝艺品 [瓷器]
11.Titanic disaster“坦尼克”号海难
12.The Dravidian language of the Tamil.米尔语米尔人所讲的达罗毗荼语
13.The river Lea flows into the Thames which flows into the North Sea.利河流入晤士河,晤士河流入北海。
14.of or relating to the languages of the Thai people.属于或关于国人讲的语的。
15.Last week, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra confirmed that the virus had entered his country.上周,国总理证实病毒已在国蔓延,
16.Authentic Thai cuisine prepared by master Thai chefs正宗国烹调, 国名厨掌勺
17.Tesla coil斯拉(空心)变压器, 斯拉线图
18.At Meili Village the temple dedicated to Tai Bo and his tomb have been preserved to this day.伯庙、伯墓等古迹,一直保存到现在。

Thai Rak Thai Party泰爱泰党
1.Thai Rak Thai Party and Thailand s Political Development;党与国的政治发展
2.Causes of the Thai Rak Thai Party Winning the General Election;党赢得国大选的缘由
3)Mount Taishan泰山
1.A Tentative Analysis to the Ancient Chinese Greening Consciousness on Mount Taishan;略论古人的山绿化意识
2.Spatial Variations of Heavy Metals in Precipitation at Mount Taishan Region;山地区湿沉降中重金属的空间分布
3.Study on the precipitation chemistry and atmospheric transport at the Mount Taishan;山降水化学及大气传输的研究
4)Mountain Tai泰山
1.Impact of recreation on environment of Mountain Tai scenic area;游憩活动对山风景名胜区环境冲击的调查评估
2.Preliminary Research on Officinal Lichen from Mountain Tai;山药用地衣的初步研究
3.Research and Evaluation of Landscape Resources of Mountain Tai Forest National Park;山国家森林公园风景资源研究与评价
1.The report on the first national conference on starch techonlogy of Thailand and the investigation into its cassava industry;从科研到市场——第一届国国家淀粉技术交流会纪要及国木薯产业调研
2.30 Baht Treating All Diseases:An Experiment of Healthcare System in Thailand;30铢治疗所有疾病——国医疗保健制度的一种尝试
6)Taishan Mountain泰山
1.Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Concentration Distribution on Taishan Mountain;山顶臭氧及其前体物一氧化碳浓度变化规律
2.Assessment and Dynamic Analysis of Landscape Ecological Security of Taishan Mountain;山景观生态安全动态分析与评价

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