3)thoughts of loyalty and indignation忠孝义烈
4)Loyalty Benevolence Filialness Justice忠孝仁义
1.The Research about the Function between the Traditional Thought of Loyalty Benevolence Filialness Justice and Political Ideological Education;忠孝仁义传统思想之于当前思政工作的几点思考

1.The Research about the Function between the Traditional Thought of Loyalty Benevolence Filialness Justice and Political Ideological Education;忠孝仁义传统思想之于当前思政工作的几点思考
2.Loyalty,Filial Piety,and the Revolution Predicament:A Case Study of Investiture of the Gods;忠孝观念与革命困境——《封神演义》中的忠孝与武王伐纣的合法性
3.Value and Communication: Study of "Loyalty,Filial Piety,Propriety,and Justice"“忠孝礼义”研究的价值与传播问题
4.Cheng s Brothers Explaining to Filial Piety Is the Basis of Jen and Its Ethical Meaning;二程对“孝悌其为仁之本”的解读及其伦理意义
5."ABandon religion and discard cleverness, and people will benefit a hundredfold. ABandon humanity and discard morality, and people will rediscover love and duty. ABandon skill and discard profit, and there will be no thieves or robbers."绝圣弃智,民利百倍;绝仁弃义,民复孝慈;绝巧弃利,盗贼无有。
6.He inculcated on(in)us the duties of loyalty and final piety他向我们灌输忠孝之道。
7.Present value of benevolence,uprightness loyalty honesty of Confucianism in contemporary business operations;儒学中的仁义忠信在当代商业经营中的现实价值
8.Compassion for parents is filial piety. Compassion for relatives is love. Compassion for teachers and friends is righteousness. Compassion for sentient beings is benevolence.对父母的慈悲是孝,对亲人的慈悲是爱,对师友的慈悲是义,对众生的慈悲是仁。
9.It's a totalitarian philosophy which assumes that all employees of the state must swear fealty to the state.这是极权主义哲学体系,他们认为所有政府的雇员一定要发誓孝忠于政府。
10.Reviewing the Filial Piety and Charity of Analects of Confucius对《论语》中的孝悌仁爱精神的评述
11.Piety and Benevolence:Two Foundations of Moral论道德的基础——从仁与孝的角度出发
12.as far as you yourself are concerned, this will be an expression of both loyalty and filial piety.就吾弟个人而言,可谓忠孝两全。
13.a devoted son, friend, supporter, etc孝子、 忠实的朋友、 不遗余力的支持者
14.Different Status of Loyalty and Filial Obedience in Traditional Ethical Ideas in China and Japan;“忠”“孝”在中日传统伦理观念中的地位
15.Views on the Chu s in Wei and Jin Dynasties in Terms of Royalty and Filial Piety;从“忠”“孝”问题看魏晋时的褚氏家族
16.The View on Loyalty and Filial Piety of GUAN Tian- pei;关天培的忠孝观——评《延龄瑞菊图》跋
17.Research on the Name of “The Classic of Filial Piety”--Also the Formation of the Book;《孝经》名义考——兼及《孝经》的成书时代
18.Among rule of virtue theory, chu bamboo slips propose justice, loyal, intelligently, faith, holy, benevolence six moral to ruler while being simple, stress the characteristic that the Confucians run a country with ethics.在德治论中,楚简对统治者提出义、忠、智、信、圣、仁六德,突出儒家以伦理治国的特色。

3)thoughts of loyalty and indignation忠孝义烈
4)Loyalty Benevolence Filialness Justice忠孝仁义
1.The Research about the Function between the Traditional Thought of Loyalty Benevolence Filialness Justice and Political Ideological Education;忠孝仁义传统思想之于当前思政工作的几点思考
5)Loyalty and Filial Piety忠孝
1.Loyalty and filial piety is the important content of ancient Chinese ethic, it s also the composing portion of Chinese traditional culture.忠孝是中国古代伦理的重要内容 ,中国传统文化的组成部分。
2.Jingmingdao, its full name was based on loyalty and filial piety of jingmingdao, was one of the Taoist School which has based on faith of Xuxun in the period of Jin Dynasty, which has risen in Xishan Nanchang of Jiangxi between the period of Song and Yuan Dynasty.净明道,全称“净明忠孝道”,是指源于晋代许逊信仰,于宋元间在江西南昌西山兴起的一个道教派别,系由灵宝派分衍而成;该派尊许逊为始祖。
6)dutiful devoted孝忠
1.This article analyzed the dutiful, filial piety and fraternal duty, dutiful devoted and piety, brought to light the intension of filial piety culture and showed the charm of it.通过对“孝”、“孝悌”、“孝忠”、“孝廉”的分析,可进一步探索孝的概念与演进的过程,窥视中国特有孝道文明的历史轨迹,从而揭示孝文化的内涵,展示孝文化的无穷魅力,利用孝文化资源为社会主义精神文明建设服务。
