
1.An orinasal speech sound, such as a French nasal vowel.一种鼻音化元音语音,比如法国鼻元音
2.Pronounced with both nasal and oral passages open.鼻音化元音的发音时鼻腔和口腔同时张开的
3.a diacritical mark (~) placed over the letter n in Spanish to indicate a palatal nasal sound or over a vowel in Portuguese to indicate nasalization.在西班牙语里放在字母n上表示鼻腭音或者在葡萄牙语里放在元音上表示鼻音化的发音符号(~)。
4.of or relating to the rhythmic aspect of language or to the suprasegmental phonemes of pitch and stress and juncture and nasalization and voicing.属于或关于语言节奏方面的超音质现象如:音调、重音、音渡、鼻音化和语态。
5.Study on the Fricative Regularity of Puffing Plosive Sound and Dorsal Nasal Sound of Tai Language;台语送气塞音和舌面鼻音擦音化规律研究
6.To make nasal or produce nasal sounds.使成为鼻音或产生鼻音
7.pronounce with a lowered velum.软腭下垂,发出带鼻化色彩的音。
8.Rolling-up Tounge Er-merging and Nasal Er-suffixation of E Hu Dialect in Fu Liang County;浮梁县鹅湖话的卷舌儿化和鼻音儿尾
9.On Grammaticalization Cycle;语法化轮回的研究——以汉语鼻音尾/鼻化小称词为例
10.(phonology) of liquids and nasals.(音韵学)流音和鼻音的。
11.On Some Special Nasalizations or Velar Nasals of Xuzhou Dialect;试析徐州方言中特殊的鼻化韵字和后鼻音韵尾字
12.[m] and [n] is nasal.[m]和[n]是鼻音字母。
13.He spoke with a nasal twang.他讲话时带着鼻音。
14.`Come here,' he nasaled.“过来”,他带鼻音地说。
15.a distinctive Texan twang特有的得克萨斯鼻音.
16.He nasalized slowly.他慢慢的用鼻音说话。
17.nasalize a word or a root用鼻音读一个词或词根
18.To utter with a strongly nasal tone of voice.带着很浓的鼻音说…

3)nasal vowels鼻化元音
1.Changes of Nasality and Nasal Patency after Endoscopic Sinus Surgery for Patients with Chronic Sinusitis;慢性鼻窦炎I型患者鼻内镜术后鼻音及鼻腔通气程度的变化
2.Using the Nasometer,this paper studies the nasality contrast of voiced initials and the intrinsidnasality of cardinal vowels and nasalized vowel in Zhangjiakou dialect.使用鼻音计(NasometerⅡ6400)对张家口方言浊声母的鼻化对比度、一级元音的内在鼻化度以及鼻化元音进行了分析。
1.An OT Analysis of the distribution of nasals in Guangzhou dialect and Beijing Mandarin;广州话与北京话鼻音分布的优选论分析
2.Results show that they are actually prenasalized stops [mb ηg nd] respectively, rather than two plain voiced stops and a lateral sound as transcribed in the traditional literature.在声学分析的基础上,本文进一步探讨了这些声母的历史成因,认为以厦门 话为代表的闽南方言、以及粤语、客家话、晋语等部分方言中存在的此类声母都是鼻音塞化的结果,并对 此音变的机理进行了语音学上的解释。
