
1.A Statistics and Analysis of Two Special Kinds of Chinese Words in Titles of Theses;论文标题中汉语特殊用语英译的统计和分析
2.Some Special Usages of the Repetition of Some Adjectives in the Han and the Tibetan-Burmese Languages汉语、藏缅语形容词重叠式的特殊用法
3.Discuss"的"Phrase Special Use in Legislative style;“的”字短语在立法语体中的特殊运用
4.a language that is deliberately created for a specific purpose.为特殊用途创造的一种语言。
5.A Preliminary Study of ESP Course Design at Higher Vocational Institutions;初探高职院校特殊用途英语课程设计
6.Special Background of How the Expression “Eco-environment” Coming into Being;“生态环境”用语产生的特殊时代背景
7.The special usage and semantics of the Chinese character “chu”in Liu Yong s BELLS RINGING IN THE RAIN (Tune);柳永《雨霖铃》中“处”的特殊用法及语义
8.Two Special Ways of Using “底”in Xinjiang Dialect;新疆汉语方言“底[ti]”的两种特殊用法
9.The Grammaticalization and Especial Usage of Modern Chinese Degree Adverb "shifen"(十分);近代汉语程度副词“十分”的语法化及其特殊用法
10.Special Written Form of Web Ads and Their Features in Using Language;网络广告的特殊书面形式和语言运用特点
11.Analysis of Chinese Measure Words and Their Use in Terms of the Theory of Three Levels从三个平面角度析汉语量词特点及其特殊用法
12.As one of the ESP( English for Special Purposes) courses, marketing English has its special linguistic and stylistic features.国际营销英语作为一门专门用途英语,有其特殊的语体特征。
13.a nonce word(为某一场合或特殊需要)临时造的词, 临时用语
14.The Application of Growth Modeling in Research on Language Development of Children with Special Needs;成长模型在特殊儿童语言发展研究中的运用
15.How to Exert the Special Role of College Chinese in Human Culture Education;如何发挥大学语文在人文教育中的特殊作用
16.Special Pronunciation and Meanings of Ancient Chinese Medical Words Wrongly Treated in Great Dictionary of Chinese Language;《汉语大字典》未收的中医古籍用字特殊音义(上)
17.Elementary Analysis of Some Special Uses and Meanings of the Numeral in English;浅析数词在英语中的某些特殊用法和意义
18.On the Uses of the Tense Aspect Auxiliaries In Modern Chinese And Their English Translation;谈近代汉语特殊时体助词的用法及其英译

special kinds of Chinese words汉语特殊用语
1.The main contents are brief introduction of two special kinds of Chinese words in titles of theses,states the relationship between them and their English translation along with the specific quantitative method and the final statistics.本文针对论文标题中出现的两类汉语特殊用语——作为研究对象的汉语词或短语,以及标题中出现的著作名称,对它们的翻译方法进行比较和统计,分析不同类型的翻译方法,探讨汉语标题中的特殊用语与其英语翻译之间的联系。
3)ESP[英][,i: es 'pi:][美]['i '?s 'pi]特殊用途英语
1.A Preliminary Study of ESP Course Design at Higher Vocational Institutions;初探高职院校特殊用途英语课程设计
2.ESP is a significant branch of English Language Teaching(ELT).ESP(English for Specific Purposes,特殊用途英语)是重要的一种英语教学分支,本文主要介绍了与之英语相关的需要分析。
3.The paper introduces readers to ESP(English for Specific Purposes) theory and possible placement of Aviation English in the Chinese context.简单介绍特殊用途英语(English for Specific Purposes)理论在中国的发展与实践,从应用语言学的角度分析确立航空英语专业的可行性和必要性。
4)specialized language特殊应用语言
5)special words特殊词语
1.What are the characteristics of translating special words in ethnic culture from Chinese into English? What are the elementary considerations in the practice of translation? The paper discusses these questions from a technical point of view with examples from the translation.在汉英翻译实践中,民族文化中的特殊词语及其汉英翻译有哪些特点,在具体的翻译操作中又有哪些值得注意的问题?本文从技术层面上以云南民族特有事物及特殊词语的翻译为例,作了初步的探讨。
2.In this article, an analytical research is done into the special words in Shandong dialect through the history, geography, culture, living habits and customs and the popular mentality of Shandong so as to explore their arising, development and prospects.本文从山东的历史、地理、社会文化、生活习惯和民俗以及民众心理等方面,对山东方言的特殊词语进行分析研究,以探索其发生、发展的过程乃至未来的发展前景。
6)specific idioms特殊习语

表面处理、热处理关连用语英汉对照age hardening 时效硬化 ageing 老化处理 air hardening 气体硬化 air patenting 空气韧化 annealing 退火 anode effect 阳极效应 anodizing 阳极氧化处理 atomloy treatment 阿托木洛伊表面 austempering 奥氏体等温淬火 austenite 奥斯田体/奥氏体 bainite 贝氏体 banded structure 条纹状组织 barrel plating 滚镀 barrel tumbling 滚筒打光 blackening 染黑法 blue shortness 青熟脆性 bonderizing 磷酸盐皮膜处理 box annealing 箱型退火 box carburizing 封箱渗碳 bright electroplating 辉面电镀 bright heat treatment 光辉热处理 bypass heat treatment 旁路热处理 carbide 炭化物 carburized case depth 浸碳硬化深层 carburizing 渗碳 cementite 炭化铁 chemical plating 化学电镀 chemical vapor deposition 化学蒸镀 coarsening 结晶粒粗大化 coating 涂布被覆 cold shortness 低温脆性 comemtite 渗碳体 controlled atmosphere 大气热处理 corner effect 锐角效应 creeping discharge 蠕缓放电 decarburization 脱碳处理 decarburizing 脱碳退火 depth of hardening 硬化深层 diffusion 扩散 diffusion annealing 扩散退火 electrolytic hardening 电解淬火 embossing 压花 etching 表面蚀刻 ferrite 肥粒铁 first stage annealing 第一段退火 flame hardening 火焰硬化 flame treatment 火焰处理 full annealing 完全退火 gaseous cyaniding 气体氧化法 globular cementite 球状炭化铁 grain size 结晶粒度 granolite treatment 磷酸溶液热处理 graphitizing 石墨退火 hardenability 硬化性 hardenability curve 硬化性曲线 hardening 硬化 heat treatment 热处理 hot bath quenching 热浴淬火 hot dipping 热浸镀 induction hardening 高周波硬化 ion carbonitriding 离子渗碳氮化 ion carburizing 离子渗碳处理 ion plating 离子电镀 isothermal annealing 等温退火 liquid honing 液体喷砂法 low temperature annealing 低温退火 malleablizing 可锻化退火 martempering 麻回火处理 martensite 马氏体/硬化铁炭 metallikon 金属喷镀法 metallizing 真空涂膜 nitriding 氮化处理 ~nitrocarburizing 软氮化 normalizing 正常化 oil quenching 油淬化 overageing 过老化 overheating 过热 pearlite 针尖组织 phosphating 磷酸盐皮膜处理 physical vapor deposition 物理蒸镀