
1.The thing is a swirl of events.这事是一件纷乱的事。
2.Troops are being pulled out of these troubled areas.军队被调离纷乱地区。
3.There discussions were complicated.所讨论者皆纷乱错杂。
4.He felt all was chaos in the world.他觉得世界一片纷乱
5.During these first Hurries,在最初的一阵纷乱中,
6.The demonstration broke up in tumult.示威集会在纷乱中解散了.
7.That is the age of political chaos.那是个政治上呈纷乱状态的时代。
8.a twitter of suspense and anticipation又担心又期望的纷乱心情.
9.so the Hurry of my Thoughts being over,我头脑里纷乱的思绪也随之一扫而光,
10.He could feel the life pulsing through a great city.他能感受到大城市紧张纷乱的生活。
11.the disturbed books and papers on her desk; disturbed grass showed where the horse had passed.她桌子上杂乱的书和纸;纷乱的草地表明马刚从这里经过。
12.The assembly was in confusion: Some were shouting one thing, some another. Most of the people did not even know why they were there.聚集的人、纷乱乱、喊叫这个的、喊叫那个的、半不知道是为甚麽聚集。
13.Dreams are all different, and each single one is diversified.梦是各不相同的,而且同一个梦也是纷乱的。
14.A confused sound of voices, mingled with her dreams, awoke her.一种纷乱的人声,混入她的梦中,把她惊醒。
15.Chang Ah-hsin's voice alone could be heard shrilling above the din.在纷乱中,又有一个声音更响地喊着,那是张阿新:
16.Two sparrows on one ear of corn make an ill agreement一穗两雀争,意见乱纷纷
17.The crowd jumbled through the city gate人群乱纷纷地穿过城门。
18.The sky was a tumult of discoloured clouds.天空中乱纷纷地浮动着污浊的云。

all over the shop;in great disorder;scattered everywhere纷乱;零乱
3)the confusion in the Warring States period战国纷乱
5)To manage and settle confusion理乱解纷
6)One was puzzled and perplexed纷乱无主
