
1.We must now be all eyes and ears.要仔细看,留心听。
2.examine (sth)very carefully仔细察看(某事物)
3.To report or relate minutely or in particulars."详述,仔细汇报"
4.think this through very carefully!仔仔细细地把这个问题想透!
5.Job Legh took the candle up, and began a leisurely inspection.约伯举起了蜡烛,仔仔细细地对着她看。
6.The detective studied the fingerprints in the minutest detail.那个侦探仔仔细细地研究了各个指纹。
7.She went through the items one by one她一项一项地仔细检查。
8.They made a thorough examination of the accounts.他们仔细检查了账目。
9.Went through the students' papers.仔细检查学生的论文
10.Now let me examine you carefully.让我给你仔细检查一下。
11.She typed the letter carefully.她仔细地打出这封信。
12.TAKE A CLOSE-UP LOOK AT更近地,更仔细地看…
13.sift through the piles of correspondence仔细检查成堆的信件
14.The seeds must be carefully chosen;必须仔细选择种子;
15.Check the manuscripts over carefully.把稿件仔细看一遍。
16.Am I painting carefully enough?我粉刷得够仔细吗?
17.I latched on to their conversation.我仔细倾听他们的谈话。
18.Let's plan with redoubled care.咱们加倍仔细地计划。

study reading仔细阅读
1.It is very helpful for English learners to know such reading ways as study reading,average reading,skimming and scanning to get rid of some bad reading habbits and raise reading speed,improve reading ability and strengthen reading understanding.对于英语学习者来说 ,了解不同的阅读方式和方法 ,比如仔细阅读 ,普通阅读 ,略读 ,查阅等 ,并在阅读中努力克服不良习惯 ,这对于提高阅读速度 ,培养阅读能力 ,加强阅读理解很有帮助。
3)Survey carefully仔细观看
6)think over仔细考虑
