
1.Experimental study on rabbit’s tasal plate and palpebral conjunctiva transplantation for repairing of tarsus defect兔异体结膜移植修复眼缺损实验研究
2.Clinical effect of tarsocheiloplasty on recurrent aberrant lashes of palpebra superior缘重建治疗复发性上乱睫的效果
3.Senile ptosis by pleating of levator palpebrae superioris combined with cutis laxa diorthosis提上肌折叠术联合眼皮肤松弛矫正术治疗老年性上下垂
4.Ng lids of a particular type.(指眼睛)有某种眼的。
5.The lids were occulting her eyes.眼掩蔽了她的眼睛。
6.eyelash:any of the short hairs fringing the edge of the eyelid.睫毛:长在眼上的短毛.
7.Any of the short hairs fringing the edge of the eyelid.睫毛长在眼上的短毛
8.inflammation of the eyelids characterized by redness and swelling and dried crusts.眼发炎:红,肿和掉干皮。
9.Upper eyelid radian satisfaction rate 100%;双缘弧度满意68眼(100%);
10.a row of the hairs fringing the eyelid.长在眼上的一排毛.
11.The eversion of his eyelids is serious.他眼的外翻很严重。
12.Modified Levator Muscle Shortness for the Correction of Congenital Ptosis with Severe Cases提上肌缩短改良术矫正重度上下垂
13.incision and curettage of chalazio板腺囊肿切开刮除术;板腺囊肿切开刮除术
14.Marcus Gunn ptosis treated by levator myectomy and frontalis tendon suspension提肌切除额肌腱膜悬吊术治疗Marcus Gunn 上下垂
15.Nursing of eyelid reconstruction using self-plantar dermis replacing tarsus自体足底皮替代板行眼再造术的护理
16.The report of eyelid reconstruction replacing tarsus with plantar dermis用自体足底皮代替板行眼再造的初步报告
17.Method: Via the incision on the upper eyelid skin,orbicular muscle was cut to show the tarsi.经上皮肤切口,剪开眼轮匝肌暴露板。
18.Clinical Observation of Eyelid Reconstruction with a Preserved Foreign Tarsus异体板行眼全层缺损修复的临床观察

eyelid palpebra (palpebrae)睑;睑
3)Palpebra inferior sash下睑睑袋
4)upper eyelid上睑
1.Correction of upper eyelid excavation of fat granule auto-transplantation;自体脂肪颗粒移植矫正上凹陷
2.Clinical evaluation of the blepharoplasty with middleaged and aged upper eyelid dermatolysis;中老年人上皮肤松弛的个体化整复
5)eyelid bag睑袋
1.Be advanced mentioning upper lip being hit by become younger in average age operation effect muscle compound muscle piece of the skill having plastic operation with eyelid bag unity application across the way;提升提上唇肌复合肌瓣与袋整形术联合行面中份年轻化手术
2.Serrate thread suspension corrects lower eyelid eversion to post-plastic eyelid bag;锯齿线悬吊术纠正袋整形术后下外翻
6)lower eyelid下睑
1.The rejuvenation of aging lower eyelid through combined incisions of lateral canthus and conjunctiva;经外眦及结膜联合入路下年轻化美容整形术
2.Objective In this study, we used the allo-cartilage bracket to repair the lower eyelid cicatricial ectrophia, and investigated its clinical effect.目的:本研究在传统的下外翻矫正术中,采用异体软骨内置于外翻矫正中的下眼,观察其对瘢痕性下外翻的临床矫治效果。
3.Objective To s tudy the clinical s ig nificance of lower eyelid topog raphic anatomy in lower blepharoplas-ty,for accumulating clinical experience in blepharoplas ty.目的:复习下局部解剖,探讨眼袋的解剖学原因,寻求较满意的手术方法,为眼袋整复积累临床经验。

睑睑 睑   人体解剖名称。见《诸病源候论》卷二十八。也即眼睑。详见该条。