
1.But... but that's impossible.可是……可是这是不可能的。
2.Study on Lexicalization of "Keshi" "Danshi" "Zhishi";“可是”“但是”“只是”的词汇化
3.it is unpardonable."这可是不可饶恕的呀
4.but I have no skates.“可是没有冰鞋。”
5.But there was no getting around it --可是又无法推脱??
6.But he didn't keep his word.可是他不守信用。?
7.However, he still wasn't strong enough to stand.可是,他立不起来。
8.Be a pal and..有点事相求,可是..。
9.If this can be tolerated, what cannot?是可忍,孰不可忍?
10.Child labour: Targeting the intolerable童工:是可忍孰不可忍
11.A trustworthy person is sb. that you can trust.可靠的人是可以信任的。
12.It could have been the mule, it might have been the herbs, or both,“可能是骡子,可能是药草,或者都是,
13.It might mean--it might-- mean--oh, a dozen dreadful things.可能是--可能是--哎呀,可能有好多层可怕的意思。
14."It was an impossibility;“那是不可能的事。
15.Answer: That is impossible.答:这是不可能的。
16.This would be impossible.不,这是不可能的。
17.Isn't that right, Pei-shan?"阿珊,可不是么?”
18.It is not beyond the bounds of possibility (that...).(...)不是不可能的.

Could be.可能是吧!
3)One can see therefore由是可观
4)Yes, you may.是的,可以。
5)Oh, it might be.噢,可能是。
6)Maybe so.可能是吧。

辛可是各的迷雾美:玛格丽特·亨利著misty of chincoteaguemarguerite henry著 wesley dennis插图在美国弗吉尼亚州和马里兰州交界处的一个小岛上,一群野马已经快活地生存了有百年之久。它们中间最神秘的莫过于一匹名叫幽灵的母马,人们尝试了各种努力,却始终没有办法将它驯服,直到一个小男孩和一个小女孩将目光转向她,他们为她疯狂着魔,并认定他们没有她就活不下去。