2)prefixing languages前缀语言;前附加语言
3)affixing language附着语;有词缀的;语言
4)By a stretch of language用牵强附会的语言

1.No--here is a postscript:不--还有一段附言
2."Then the postscript"--“那么那句附言——”
3.what of the postscript?"那么附言怎么样?”
4.a postscript tagged on(to her letter)at the end加在(她的信)末尾的附言.
5."'P.S.--CITIZENS OF HADLEYBURG:"'附言--哈德莱堡的公民们:
6.A message appended at the end of a letter after the writer's signature.附笔,又及信末作者签名后又加上去的附言
7.As a postscript to his letter he added that he loved her.他在信中加上附言, 写上了他爱她.
8.As a postscript to his letter he add that he love her.他在信中加上附言,写上了他爱她。
9.Additional information appended to the manuscript, as of a book or an article.附言,续篇如一本书或一篇文章正文后的附加信息
10.S. Do tell me what kind of perfume does your wife use.附言:一定告诉我,你太太使用哪一种香水。
11." The major awaited the conclusion of the postscript, apparently with great anxiety.”少校一脸焦急的神色一直持续到那句附言读完。
12.At the end of a letter, people always write a postscript.在一封信的结尾处,人们常常要写上附言
13.For the purposes of this Agreement, the definitions provided in Annex A shall apply.就本协定而言,适用附件A中规定的定义。
14.a book of language tests, complete with key附答案的语言测验试题集.
15.Show additional Language bar icons in the Notification area在“识别”区域显示附加语言栏图标
16.During the Qing Dynasty, philology was a mere handmaid of classical studies.语言文字学在清代还只是经学的附庸。
17."Yes, yes," repeated the major, "yes--there--is--a--postscript."“是的,是的,”少校跟着说,“还——有——一——句——附——言。”
18.Liaoning dialect additional affix adjective form;辽宁方言的两种附加词缀形容词格式

prefixing languages前缀语言;前附加语言
3)affixing language附着语;有词缀的;语言
4)By a stretch of language用牵强附会的语言
