
1.The author of a work is the citizen who has created the work.创品的公民是者。
2.On "To Be" and "A New Woman" of the Novel To Be a New Woman;《女》的“”,《女》的“女"
3.To create or produce(a literary or musical piece).创或制(文学或音乐品)
4.of or by or typical of an author.属于者,或由者创,或者特有。
5.operating space操空白; 操空间; 操区; 工范围; 工空间
6.Article 13 Where a work is created jointly by two or more co-authors, the copyright in the work shall be enjoyed jointly by those co-authors.第十三条 两人以上合品,著权由合者共同享有。
7."Where a work is created jointly by two or more co-authors, the copyright in the work shall be enjoyed jointly by those co-authors."两人以上合品,著权由合者共同享有。
8.A forced style of writing矫揉造的写风格。
9.rationalization of operatio操合理化 操合理化
10."I can see well -enough that our work is a waste of time!“看到底:工是屁工
11.an authoritative written work.由权威人士写品。
12.calorigenic action生热用, 产热
13.did some consulting work on the side.做些咨询工副业
14.To versify or engage in versifying.诗或者从事于
15.To respond by an action or a gesture.答复用动或手势
16.put the finishing touches to a piece of work给一个最后加工
17.one's appointed task指定的工, 本职工
18.certificate for radio operator无线电操人员工

the act of operation操作动作
1.Based on the performance model of the act of the operation,the analytic hierarchy process to establish the performance model about the act of operation of many operating one machine was used, and then the model with a kind of antiaircraft artillery exercised.借鉴已有的单人操业绩效模型,结合层次分析法,构建武器装备多人单机协同业操业绩效模型,并以某型高炮的准备阶段的协同业来检验模型。
3)work style工作作风
1.At the same time, physics is also the basis of forming scientific world outlook and helps to develop good scientific attitudes and work style.同时物理也是形成科学世界观的基础,并有助于形成良好的科学态度和工风。
2.Comrade Jiang Zemin stressed that in order to attain the “Three Represents",the whole Party must strive to improve its ideological,study and work styles.江泽民强调,要实现“三个代表”,就必须“全党”“努力改进思想风、学风和工风”,这是“三个代表”“紧跟世界发展潮流”、“坚持解决党党内存在的突出问题”“出发点和着眼点。
3.The fine work style of Young Pioneers counsellors exerts an imperceptible influence on children s thinking and behaviour.少先队辅导员良好的工风,可以对少年儿童产生潜移默化的教育用。
4)crop rotation作物轮作
1.Effects of different crop rotation system on the characteristics of soil weed seedbank;不同物轮制度对土壤杂草种子库特征的影响
2.The 10 year experiment results of crop rotation improving soil fertility show as follows, the bean family brought into crop rotation might improve soil fertility obviously, soil fertility after bean harvesting was higher than after wheat harvesting, the accumulation effects of improving soil fertility after bean harvesting is obvious.10年轮培肥试验结果表明:物轮中增加豆科类养地物比例将明显地改善土壤养分状况,培肥土壤。
3.How to evaluate crop rotation level in large geographic area is one of the most important problems in agricultural production.评估大地理区域内物轮水平是农业生产中必须解决的重要问题之一。
5)intercropping field间作作物
1.Data of a field experiment carried out at Zhangye Oasis,an arid region of northwest China,were used to evaluate the evapotranspiration during the 2004 growing seasons of an intercropping field of spring wheat and summer maize.结果表明:在一个完整的生长期内,利用波文比能量平衡法得到的间物蒸散量为688 mm,日均3。
6)Rotation and continuous cropping轮作-连作
