
1.The Difference of the Characters 孃 and 娘 in Ancient Documents and the Rectification in Hengyanlu古文献“孃”“娘”的分别与《恒言录》校误
2.The Eternal Humanities Spirit in the Factual Record and Fictionalizes;在实录和虚构中找寻永恒的人文精神
3.In physics, conservation laws are analogous to linguistic rules.物理学的守恒定律类似于语言学规则。
4.Reliablity and validity are eternal motif of language testing.信度与效度是语言测试永恒的主题。
5.But for those who love,time is eternity.但对于爱着的人而言,时间是永恒。
6.The Invariability and Variability in Watercolour;论水彩画本体语言的恒定性与变化性
7.The Words Made up of Affix "Liao" in "Aphorisms to Awaken the Public";《醒世恒言》中词素“了”的构词分析
8.computer language recorder计算机语言记录装置
9.decisions, minutes of meetings, telephone messages决定、会议记录、电话留言,
10.I play back the message on my answering machine .我倒带听答录机的留言。
11.I play back the message on my answer machine.我倒带听答录机的留言
12.language tapes, videocassettes, and other audio - visuals.语言录音带,录像带及其他电化教具
13.The chronograph is a device used to record the average time of a star passing through the circle of egual altitudes.本计时仪是记录恒星过等高圈平均时刻的记录设备。
14.the eternal note of sadness (Matthew Arnold).See also Synonyms at gesture悲伤的永恒记录(马修阿诺德)参见同义词
15.A Query to the Statement Zhang Lihua Compiled Yu Tai Xin Yong;《玉台新咏》张丽华撰录说献疑——向章培恒先生请教
16.Research on Records of the Brightness of Stars and Its Variations in Ancient China中国古代恒星亮度及其变化记录之研究
17.Words are timeless. You should utter them or write them with a knowledge of their timelessness.语言是永恒的。你应当说出或写下它们,获知它们的永恒。
18.For that matter, how could we maintain a constant self-identity?就此而言,我们如何维持一个恒定的自我呢?

constant -amplitude recording恒幅记录
3)constant-velocity recording恒速记录
4)Hengchɑn Suoyɑn《恒产琐言》
5)Lasting Stories to Awaken the World醒世恒言
6)Laolao hengyan老老恒言
1."When you felt well,you should stop doing that":discussion on the health cultivation of Laolao hengyan当于快意处发猛省——小议《老老恒言》养生观

《恒言录》  考证俗语常言的书。清代钱大昕著。本书搜求通常口语中应用的语词,追溯其源流所自,凡6卷,分为吉语、人身、交际、毁誉、常语、单字、叠字、亲属称谓、仕宦、选举、法禁、货财、俗仪、居处器用、饮食衣饰、文翰、方术、成语、俗谚等共19类,约800余条,每条都注明出处。生前未能刻板,嘉庆十年(1805)阮常生(阮元子)据原稿和乌程张鑑的补注刻入《文选楼丛书》内。1958年商务印书馆又得海宁陈鳣于嘉庆十九年(1814)所作《恒言广证》一书传抄稿,乃补《恒言录》而作,仍分为6卷,搜罗俗语更广,因与《恒言录》同时排版印出。    考证通俗词语,远自东汉服虔《通俗文》始,但亡佚已久。宋代无名氏有《释常谈》,王楙《野客丛书》说龚颐正有《续常谈》,收罗不广。《恒言录》一书比清人翟灏《通俗编》体例更为谨严,没有翟书那样芜杂。钱大昕弟大昭又著《迩言》6卷,近代罗振玉有《俗说》1卷,互相补益,可资参考。