1.The Study of Xian-Fu about Chu Bamboo Slips Collected by Shanghai Museum《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》文字羡符研究

1.The Study of Xian-Fu about Chu Bamboo Slips Collected by Shanghai Museum《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》文字羡符研究
2.Wisdom is more to be envied than riches .人们羡智慧,胜过羡财富。
3.Redundancy in Chinese and Errors of Redundancy Made by Foreign Students;汉语羡余现象与留学生的“羡余”偏误
4.He's jealous/envious of you/your success.他羡慕/妒忌你们(的成功)。
5.You're lucky. I envy you.你真走运,我羡慕你。
6.admirable position令人羡慕的职务/职位
7.admirable result令人羡慕的结果/成果
8.unenviable notoriety.不值得羡慕的恶名声。
9.He admires her for her finished manner.他羡慕她的文明礼貌。
10.Her admiration was tinged with envy.她的羡慕之中含有妒意。
11.His new car excited their envy.他们很羡慕他的新汽车.
12.a feeling of admiration swept over her.她忽然感到非常羡慕。
13.have a great envy of one's wealth十分羡慕某人的财富
14.His cleverness is much admired.他的聪明为人羡慕。
15.She gazed on (or at )him with admiration.她羡慕地注视着他。
16.Everyone envies their happiness.大家都羡慕他们的幸福。
17.I really envy your slim stature.我很羡慕你苗条的身材。?
18.We admire his capacity.我们羡慕他的工作能力。

1.Redundancy in English Listening Class:A language Perception Perspective;从语言感知理论看英语听力教学中的羡余信息
2.This paper borrows from other fields the concept of redundancy to describe such tourist resources which have high qualities yet somehow appear to be redundant and useless.文章从其他学科引入"羡余"这个概念,用以描绘本身具有较高资源品质却在经营中显得"多余"、"无用"的旅游资源。
3.The paper analyzes redundancy in the double syllabic words and draws a rough line as to its boundary.羡余是语言的本质特征,汉语在词汇、句法、篇章等各个层面大量存在羡余现象。
4)immense admiration艳羡
1.his attitude toward the female from immense admiration to fleeing.末世文人的女性自拟心理,导致了宋玉的文学创作在选材与书写上的独具风格,即对女性的从艳羡到逃离。
5)Kong Xian孔羡
6)Meltage fees耗羡
