人误,human error
1)human error人误
1.The Analysis of Human Error Barriers in Complicated System复杂系统中的人误屏障分析
2.Making use of techniques of human error cause analysis and factor discrimination,the paper constructs the basic structure and model of human error analysis in a complicated human-machine system,on the basis of which the human error deduction and prevention strategy is established.构建了反映复杂人机系统动态与潜在失误的人误分析基本框架,从组织、操纵员、设备与机器三个部分出发分析人误的形成及其相互关系。
3.With the basic principle of AHP (analytic hierarchy process), a model of organizational factors of influencing human error in nuclear power plant was established, and its index system was determined.应用层次分析法的基本原理,构建核电站中影响人误的组织因素AHP(层次分析法)模型,确定影响人误的组织因素的指标体系,将成对比较矩阵的特征向量作为组织因素的权重,确定了相关因子的影响力排序。

1.based on an incorrect or misleading notion or information.基于错误的或者令人误解的概念、消息。
2.-- Reduced errors by sales personnel;——销售人员的失误
3.Are all men liable to error?人人都可能犯错误吗?
4.Those who had made mistakes in the past admitted them.犯过错误的人,也承认过去犯了错误。
5.point out the mistakes or faults of(sb)指出(某人)的错误或过失
6.undeceive sb. of his mistakes使某人明白自己的错误
7.How disappointing it was to have missed the train!误了火车,多令人失望!
8.an embarrassing mistake.一种令人为难的错误。
9.Don't jeer at the mistake of others.不要对别人的错误嘲笑。
10.The young people admit of making mistakes容许年轻人犯错误。
11.Blind to a lover's faults.对情人的错误视而不见
12.people still keep on smoking.但人们还是照抽不误。
13.convict sb. of his errors使某人确信他的错误
14.a very embarrassing misunderstanding.令人十分尴尬的误解。
15.Many people have misconceptions about astrology.许多人对占星学有误解。
16.a misleading description使人产生误解的描述
17.Come to an explanation with sb.与人交谈后消除了误会
18.He was admonished of his faults.有人提醒他犯了错误。

To impede others and self误人误己
3)To compromise the interest of oneself and those of others自误误人
4)human error人因失误
1.Analysis on the human error and its reliability;人因失误及其可靠性分析
2.Case study of human-centered simulation of human error in production cells;以人为中心的生产单元人因失误仿真实例研究
5)human errors人因失误
1.The Analysis of the Correctivibility of Human Errors in the Enterprise Safety Production system;企业安全生产系统人因失误的可修正性分析
2.This paper adopts the Pontecorvo human errors model,together with Fault Tree Analysis Methodology,to make an analysis for human factors in ship collisions on the offshore platforms and risers.采用了Pontecorvo人因失误模型并结合故障树分析方法,对船舶撞击海洋平台进而撞击输油立管事故中的人误因素进行分析,提出了撞击概率计算公式中因子P2的计算方法,为海底管线在偶然性载荷作用下的定量风险评估提供参考。
6)human error人为失误
1.Sensitivity analysis of human error factors in architectural engineering;建筑施工中人为失误因素的敏感性分析
2.Causes of human errors in production and preventive measures;企业安全生产中人为失误的原因及对策
3.The key is how to ensure to complete correct behavior in the process,but the ability of seamen to complete navigation tasks is directly influenced by human errors,i.保障此过程中的行为能有效地完成成为关键,而航海人员完成任务的能力又直接受到人为失误的影响,也就是说,人为失误的发生直接降低了人的处理能力,使航行任务归于失败。

误下误下 误下   治疗学术语。指误用泻下之法治疗不应泻下的病证。往往使病情加重。《伤寒论·辨太阳病脉证并治》:“太阳病,桂枝证,医反下之,利遂不止”;“太阳病,外证未除,而数下之,遂协热下利,利下不止,心下痞硬。”