SHEL模型,SHEL model
1)SHEL modelSHEL模型
1.Study on the risk of human factors in Ro/Ro transport based on the SHEL Model基于SHEL模型的客滚运输人为因素风险研究
2.Through the analyses on the SHEL model and GEMS model, the article illustrates the differences between the "human factor" and "human element".文章通过对SHEL模型、GEMS模型的分析,简要地说明了人的因素和人为因素的区别。
3.Analysis of human element is very important for aquatic traffic accidents,this article uses SHEL model to analyze human element appearing in aquatic traffic accidents,there are four aspects needing to be analyzed:the relationships between crew and equipment,crew and procedure,crew and environment,crew and themselves.阐述水上交通事故中人为因素分析的重要意义,利用SHEL模型围绕水上交通事故中的人为因素进行分析,从船员与设备、船员与程序、船员与环境、船员之间四个方面进行分析,提出减少人为差错的措施和建议,减少和避免水上交通事故的发生。

1.Study on the risk of human factors in Ro/Ro transport based on the SHEL Model基于SHEL模型的客滚运输人为因素风险研究
2.Risk reduction based on SHEL mode基于SHEL模式的降低风险研究(英文)
3.SHEL Model in the Management of Emergency Intravenous Drug SafetySHEL模式在急诊静脉用药护理安全管理中的应用
4.Analysis of safety barriers and risk reduction using SHEL model用SHEL模式分析安全屏障与减少风险(英文)
5.SHEL Model for Prevention of Sharp Injury Among Operating Room NursesSHEL模式在手术室护士锐器伤防范中的应用
6.The Analysis of Human Elements in Maritime Accidents Based on the Reason-SHEL Model;基于Reason-SHEL Model对海事事故人为因素的分析
7.Identification and Analysis on Stock Ammunition Accident Hazard Source Based on FTA-SHEL Method基于FTA-SHEL方法的库存弹药事故危险源辨识及分析
8.Being, serving as, or used as a model.模型的模型的,作为模型的,用作模型的
9.Implementation Model versus Mental Model实现模型与心理模型
10.Implementation Models and Mental Models实现模型和心理模型
11.To make or construct a model of.做模型做或建造…的模型
12.To make a model.做模型制做一个模型
13.cartographic mode地图模型,制图模型
14.This model may be classified as either an optimizing model or simulation model.这个模型可分为最佳化模型或模拟模型。
15.Two Algorithms That Simulate RMESH by PRAMPRAM模型模拟RMESH模型的2种方案
16.The act or profession of being a model.模型作模型或模特的行为或过程
17.Theory Model and Numerical Simulation of the Filling of Micro Injection Molding;微注塑成型充模理论模型与数值模拟
18.Modeling Method for Abstract Organizational Model from AGR Meta-modelAGR元模型到组织抽象模型的建模方法

3)SHEL modelSHEL模式
1.The effect of SHEL model in analyzing errors;SHEL模式在分析护理差错事故中的作用
2.The application of SHEL model in prevention of nursing mistake in surgical wards;SHEL模式在外科护理差错防范中的应用
3.Objective To investigate the application of SHEL model in the management of safe practice in clinical(teaching.目的探讨SHEL模式在临床护理教学安全管理中的应用效果。
4)restricted shell受限shel
1.A mode of artificial wetland for wastewater treatment in Guangchang County;广昌县人工湿地污水处理模型
2.Research on mode of rank of enterprise occupational injury risk;企业职业伤害风险分级模型研究
3.Study on decision-making modeling of water environmental protection and economic development;水环境保护与经济发展决策模型的研究

AutoCad 教你绘制三爪卡盘模型,借用四视图来建模型小弟写教程纯粹表达的是建模思路,供初学者参考.任何物体的建摸都需要思路,只有思路多,模型也就水到渠成.ok废话就不说了.建议使用1024X768分辨率 开始先看下最终效果第一步,如图所示将窗口分为四个视图第二步,依次选择每个窗口,在分别输入各自己的视图第三步,建立ucs重新建立世界坐标体系,捕捉三点来确定各自的ucs如图第四步,初步大致建立基本模型.可以在主视图建立两个不同的圆,在用ext拉升,在用差集运算.如图:第五步:关键一步,在此的我思路是.先画出卡爪的基本投影,在把他进行面域,在进行拉升高度分别是10,20,30曾t形状.如图:第六步:画出螺栓的初步形状.如图第七步:利用ext拉升圆,在拉升内六边形.注意拉升六边行时方向与拉升圆的方向是相反的.之后在利用差集运算第八步:将所得内螺栓模型分别复制到卡爪上,在利用三个视图调到与卡爪的中心对称.效果如图红色的是螺栓,最后是差集第九步:阵列第10步.模型就完成了来一张利用矢量处理的图片