超障高度/高,obstacle clearance altitude/height
1)obstacle clearance altitude/height超障高度/高
2)OCA Obstacle Clearance Altitude超障净高度
3)obstacle clearance height超障安全高度
4)OCH Obstacle Clearance Height超障高
5)MOCA Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitudes最低超障净空高度
6)Obstacle height越障高度

1.maximum obstacle-crossing height of one front wheel单侧前轮最大越障高度
2.This means that the model can predict the surmountable obstacle height of an off-road vehicle and its-key influencing parameters can be obtained.表明该模型能预测车辆越障高度,具有工程应用价值,且获得影响其性能的主要参数。
3.Greater ceremony is appropriate for projects with greater criticality.项目的故障危害性越高,适用的正规度也越高。
4.An obstacle or a span to be jumped.需跳越的障碍或跨度
5.It is shown that the acid sites of the zeolites play an important role on coke deposition.酸强度越高,越容易积炭,酸量越大积炭越多。
6.On the other hand, a steeper pitch entails a larger roof area and a higher cost.另外,坡度越陡,则屋面面积就越大,其造价就越高。
7.a wedge used to loft the golf ball over obstacles.用于高击越过障碍的挖起杆。
8.Refining Teaching Contents , Improving Training of Obstacle-Surmounting in Police Physical Education;优化教学内容 提高警体越障训练效果
9.The more impact-resistant a car is, the safer.汽车的抗冲击强度越高,越安全。
10.Water evaporates more and more quickly, as the temperature grows.随着温度的升高,水蒸发得越来越快。
11.Longer laser beams mean greater sensitivity.激光束越长,观测的灵敏度就越高。
12.The hotter the water, the better the taste.水的温度越高,咖啡的香味就越加醇厚!
13.The greater the precision of a commercial satellite launch, the higher the cost.商业卫星发射精度越高,成本越大。
14.The more advanced the civilization, the less powerful the individual.文明程度越高,个人的作用越
15.The more you practise, the more skilful you'll become.练习的次数越多, 熟练的程度越高。
16.The larger the number of heteroatoms, the more highly oxidized the molecule.杂原子数越多,分子被氧化的程度越高。
17.There has been increased economic specialization throughout the country.整个国家的经济专门化程度越来越高。
18.The mechanism can not only run on the plane in omni-directional mode but also overstep obstacles.该机构不仅能够实现平面上的轮式快速运动,而且能够越过一定高度的障碍。

OCA Obstacle Clearance Altitude超障净高度
3)obstacle clearance height超障安全高度
4)OCH Obstacle Clearance Height超障高
5)MOCA Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitudes最低超障净空高度
6)Obstacle height越障高度

三障──修定三障【三障──修定三障】  ﹝出释禅波罗蜜次第法门﹞  [一、沉昏闇蔽障],谓行人修定之时,沉昏瞪瞢,无所别知,由是障诸禅定,不得开发,名为沉昏闇蔽障。  [二、恶念思惟障],谓行人修定之时,虽不沉昏,而恶念忽起,欲毁禁戒,作诸不善等事,因是障诸禅定,不得开发,是为恶念思惟障。  [三、境界逼迫障],谓行人修定之时,虽无如上沉昏、恶念等事,而身或卒痛,魔恼竞起;或自见身陷入于地,火来烧身;高崖坠落,猛虎奔逐;乃至罗刹诸恶相现,逼恼行人,令生惊怖,障诸禅定,是名境界逼迫障。