参数驾驭,parameter steering
1)parameter steering参数驾驭
1.Design optimization parameter steering method and its application in SRM design——Design space ascertained arithmetic and quick optimization method固体火箭发动机设计优化参数驾驭技术与应用研究——设计空间确定算法及快速优化方法
2.The parameter steering method for design optimization is presented to solve problems in the primary design phase,such as absence of design knowledge and difficulty to get primary schemes quickly.针对初步设计阶段设计自由度大而设计知识相对缺乏的矛盾,提出了设计优化参数驾驭方法。

1.Design optimization parameter steering method and its application in SRM design--Design space ascertained arithmetic and quick optimization method固体火箭发动机设计优化参数驾驭技术与应用研究——设计空间确定算法及快速优化方法
2.And an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm.上帝会驾驭我们航行的。
3.driving horses in tandem.驾驭排成纵行的马匹
4.the class of fliers which harness the air to their purpose,它能自如地驾驭空气,
5.They attempt to master the world.他们企图驾驭世界。
6.He knows how to handle a horse.他懂得如何驾驭马。
7.manage a difficult horse驾驭一匹不驯服的马
8.Producing a Tense of Portrait: "Continuous Present" & "Repetition"in Gertrude Stein s Picasso;像驾驭画笔那样驾驭文字:评斯泰因的《毕加索》
9.Her imagination tends to run away with her.她的想像力如脱 之马难以驾驭.
10.Distributed OSs Hope to Hamess Network Power分布式操作系统希望驾驭网络力量
11.To make submissive to one's authority, discipline, or persuasion.驾驭使…服从于某人的权威、纪律或劝告
12.For Fergus rules the brazen cars.因黄铜车由弗格斯驾驭[41]。
13.Let's face the difficulties with smile and control the waves together!让我们一起笑迎困难,驾驭风浪!
14.It seems unlikely to command a consensus.要驾驭舆论似乎不大可能。
15.Passion,though a bad regulator,is a powerful spring.激情虽难以驾驭,却是种强大的动力。
16.The creative power is reflected on the wisdom of steering contradictions.创造力集中体现在驾驭矛盾的智慧上。
17.Only a good driver can manage this horse.只有好骑手才能驾驭这匹马。
18.At last the yearning grew beyond control.终于,欲望越来越不可驾驭。

1.To know and control the market-oriened economy from a high angle of the social justice and the social calm;从社会公平、社会稳定的高度认识和驾驭市场经济
2.In addition, leadership of controlling the overall situation and planning strategy also plays an important role.我们要不断进行技术创新、制度创新、理论创新,这就要求新型的领导者要有开阔的眼界和非常敏锐的头脑,要有服务、开放、信息、学习等观念,要有很高的驾驭全局、谋划战略的领导能力。
3)ship reining船舶驾驭
4)steering reasoning驾驭推理
5)controlling the class驾驭课堂
6)control the overall situation驾驭全局
1.This paper thinks that secretray of the Party committee should control the overall situation in three aspects:1.在我国进入全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化的新的发展阶段 ,作为一个地方或一个单位的党委书记 ,怎样才能驾驭全局 ?本文着重提出 :必须善于调查研究——贴紧党的中心 ,明确总体思路 ;必须善于科学决策——把握时代脉搏 ,画好一幅蓝图 ;必须善于组织落实——坚持分工负责 ,处处身体力行。
