延迟费用,delay cost
1)delay cost延迟费用
1.When the number of the aircraft is more,the same unit delay cost for every aircraft is used to simplify the calculation.当飞机架次较多时,采用事件驱动型模型会取得较好的求解效果,但原有模型将不同类型飞机的单位延迟费用认为是相同的。
2)ratio of the cost of ground-holding to air-delay地空延迟费用比
3)deferment of passage延迟享用旅费
4)postponed tuition-paying延迟付费
1.The postponed tuition-paying mode of providing a loan by school allows the students to pay loan by using future income.学校作为贷款方的延迟付费模式,允许学生用未来工作收入偿还贷款。

1.Since it was your mistake , I demand that the late and finance charges be removed from our account balance.既然这是您的错误,我要求把延迟费及利息自我们的帐户馀额扣除。
2.The members of the panel shall be chosen so as to avoid unnecessary costs and delays.专家组成员的选择应避免不必要的费用和迟延。
3.Use error proofing and problems solving to determine the root causes of production delays, material delays, quality problems and cause of waste.利用错误避免与问题解决系统找出生产延迟,物料延迟,质量问题和浪费的根本原因。
4.time-delay analyzer(延迟) 时间分析器
5.DNA-delay mutantDNA-延迟突变型种
6.deduction for delayed recruitment (or turnover factor)(员额)延迟聘减数
7.delay of gratification满足延迟(心理学)
8.Retardation factor (new post)迟延因素(新员额)
9.a charge required as compensation for the delay of a ship or freight car or other cargo beyond its scheduled time of departure.运输船只或车辆的延迟或货物未能如期发出而付出的补偿费用。
10.prolongation of delay迟延接续时间的延长
11.operating delay操作延迟;操作延迟时间;操作延误;操作延误时间;运算延迟
12.multiple delayed reaction多项延迟反应 多项延迟反应
13.performed with little or no delay.很少有延迟或者没有延迟就完成。
14.deferment:The act or an instance of delaying or putting off.推迟:延迟、延期的行动或事例.
15.The act or an instance of delaying or putting off.推迟延迟、延期的行动或事例
16.Flight number556 will be delayed. The delay is due to mechanical difficulties.556航班延迟了,延迟原因是机械问题。
17.Academic delay of gratification--A new field in delay of gratification research学业延迟满足:延迟满足研究的新领域
18.In addition, Buyer shall reimburse Seller for all storage or other expenses which Seller incurs by reason of such delay.此外,对于该等延迟所导致的一切储存费或其他费用,买方应补偿卖方。

ratio of the cost of ground-holding to air-delay地空延迟费用比
3)deferment of passage延迟享用旅费
4)postponed tuition-paying延迟付费
1.The postponed tuition-paying mode of providing a loan by school allows the students to pay loan by using future income.学校作为贷款方的延迟付费模式,允许学生用未来工作收入偿还贷款。
6)delay payment of the official fees延迟支付法定费用

保险的费用(含施救费用与救助费用)保险的费用(含施救费用与救助费用)  保险的费用(含施救费用与救助费用)保险人即保险公司承保的费用。即当保险标的物遭遇保险责任范围内的事故时,除了能使货物本身受到损毁导致经济损失外,还会产生费用方面的损失,这种费用保险人也给予赔偿。 可保险的费用主要有以下几种:①施救费用。指在国际货物运输保险中,发生承保责任内的事故或自然灾害,被保险人或者他的代理人、雇用人员为防止损失扩大而进行抢救行为所支出的合理费用。保险人对这种施救费用,负责赔偿,以鼓励被保险人对货物积极抢救。②救助费用。保险标的物发生承保责任范围内的自然灾害或意外事故,由保险人和被保险人以外的第三者来解救危险,获救方应该向救助方支付相应的费用,这种费用就是救助费用。它属于共同海损的费用支出。③特别费用。指运输工具遭遇海难后,在避难港由于卸货所引起的损失,以及在中途港、避难港由于卸货、存仓及运送货物所产生的费用。这种费用也属于保险人赔付范囿。