延误损失,tardiness penalties
cumulate delay cost algorithm累积延误损失算法
3)delay loss延时损失
1.To ensure that the concrete can easily flow past the bored pile reinforcement cages throughout the whole process while the piles are being concreted, the delay loss test as long as 10 hours was made under minimum slump condition allowed in the Technical Specification of Paksey Bridge.为了能保证混凝土在整个钻孔桩灌注过程中能顺利穿过钢筋笼,进行了在规范允许的最小坍落度的情况下长达10h的延时损失试验。
4)damage for detention延滞损失
1.Demurrage and damage for detention have always been one of the most complicated parts of tramp shipping business, causing lots of disputes.滞期费和延滞损失历来是不定期船业务中最复杂且最容易产生纠纷的一个环节,因而已经有许多详尽且精彩的著作。
5)delay damages迟延损失
6)Damage for Detention延期损失
