空域资源,airspace resource
1)airspace resource空域资源
1.This paper,for the first time,discusses the utility policy of airspace resource standing on China s national policy.空域是一种稀缺资源,本文从国家政策层面上对空域资源利用问题进行讨论。

1.Suggestions to Improve Utility Policy of National Airspace Resource;关于改善我国当前国家空域资源使用政策的建议
2.Cross-domain move of non-empty resource groups is not allowed.不允许跨域移动不是空的资源组。
3.Exploration and Study on Tourism Resources of WuTai Mountain District;五台山区域旅游资源空间开发与研究
4.The Temporal and Spatial Distribution Character and Evaluation of Use State of Water Resources of Longde County;隆德县区域水资源时空分布特性及利用评价
5.The Monitoring and Evaluation of Land Resources and Its Spatiotemporal Characteristics in Ansai County;县域尺度土地资源的时空动态监测与评价研究
6.Water spatial structural decomposition analysis based on Yellow River basin;黄河流域水资源空间利用结构的实证分析
7.Analysis On The Relative Carrying Capacity Of Region s Resources;区域相对资源承载力时空动态研究——以新疆为例
8.Study on Forest Resource Spatial Distribution Pattern and Assessment in Yellow River Basin of Shandong Province山东黄河流域森林资源空间格局及其评价研究
9.Space Integration of Regional Tourism Resources and Considerations for Tourist Cooperation of Southern Sichuan川南区域旅游资源空间整合及旅游合作构想
10.Study on Mechanism of Land Resources Updating in Internet广域网络环境下的土地资源空间数据更新机制
11.An Empirical Analysis of the Resource Collocation of Guangdong's Regional Economic Spatial Structure in the Economic Shift Period广东区域经济空间结构资源配置实证分析
12.Monitoring of Regional Land Resources and Analysis of Spatio-temporal Evolution Based on Remote Sensing Technique区域土地资源遥感监测与时空演变分析
13.The design and implementation of spatial data warehouse for Songhua river basin water resources management松花江流域水资源空间数据仓库的设计与实现
14.Design of Area Spatial Resource Integration Management System Based on GIS基于GIS的区域空间资源综合管理系统设计
15.Changes in Spatial and Temporal Differences of Agricultural Product Virtual Water Versus Cultivated Land in China中国农产品虚拟水-耕地资源区域时空差异演变
16.Microeconomic Analysis on Resource Allocation in Regional Development;区域发展中资源地域空间配置优化计量与微观均衡研究
17.The spatial structure research about the further development of industrialization in resource-based region--Take Liaoyuan as an example;资源型地域工业化深入发展的空间结构研究——以吉林省辽源市为例
18.Design and implementation of the space database for the configuration and management system of water resources in Heihe River Basin黑河流域水资源调配管理系统空间数据库的设计与实现

resource domain资源域
1.Hierarchy scheduling model based on resource domain;基于资源域的分级调度模型
3)marine resources海域资源
1.Exploitation and protection of marine resources in Sanduao District;三都澳海域资源利用及保护管理
2.The author pointed out the scientific suggestion of the exploitation and utilization of the island resources,the marine resources,ports ,lines and so on.本文分析了舟山海域资源特征、优势及资源开发利用的限制因素,对岛屿资源、海洋资源、港口航道等优势资源的开发利用提出了科学与合理的建议,以提高舟山市社会、经济和生态三大效益,促进海岛区域的持续发展。
4)water bodies resources水域资源
5)Domain resources领域资源
6)regional resources区域资源

森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resources sen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。