1.Research on extracting technique of dihydroquercetin from the stalk of Rosa davurica Pall.;刺玫蔷薇茎中二氢槲皮素的提取工艺研究
2.Study on preparation and antioxidant activity of dihydroquercetin mannich salt;二氢槲皮素曼尼希碱盐的制备及其抗氧化性能研究
3.Study on extraction of dihydroquercetin by adsorbing;吸附法提取二氢槲皮素的研究

1.Research on the New Extraction Technology of the Dihydro Quercetin from Larch落叶松中二氢槲皮素提取新工艺研究
2.Comparison of Dihyroquercetin Extraction Methods from Larix gmelini兴安落叶松中二氢槲皮素提取方法的比较
3.Determination of dihydroquercetin in Larch by RP-HPLCRP-HPLC法测定落叶松中二氢槲皮素的含量
4.Study of Inducibility of Phase 2 Enzymes in HepG2 Cells by Quercetin槲皮素对HepG2细胞二相酶的诱导作用
5.Measurement on Hydroquinone by Calixarene-quercetin Supramolecular Electrochemical Probe杯芳烃-槲皮素超分子电化学探针测定苯二酚
6.Time Resolved UV-Vis Absorption Spectra of Quercetin Reacting with Various Concentrations of Sodium Hydroxide槲皮素与不同浓度氢氧化钠反应的紫外-可见时间分辨吸收光谱
7.Effect of Arsenic Trioxide and Quercetin on Cervical Cancer Hela Cell Line Immunosuppressive Action;三氧化二砷和槲皮素对宫颈癌Hela细胞免疫抑制作用的影响
8.Structure-effect Relationship of Anti-free Radical Effects of Quercetin and Its Monoglycoside Isoquercetin and Diglycoside Rutin;槲皮素及其单糖苷异槲皮素,双糖苷芦丁抗自由基构效关系研究
9.HPLC-MS analysis of quercetin and its metabolites in portal vein after intragastrical administration of quercetin in rats大鼠灌胃槲皮素后门静脉槲皮素及其代谢产物的液质分析
10.Determination of quercetin and kaempferol in Polygonum aviculare by HPLCHPLC测定萹蓄中槲皮素和山柰素的含量
11.Determination of Quercitroside and Quercetin in Different Preparations of Cacumen Platycladi by RP-HPLC侧柏叶不同炮制品中槲皮苷与槲皮素的含量测定
12.Induction of Apoptosis and Tumor Regression by Phenylisocyanate Derivative of Quercetin;槲皮素苯基异氰酸酯抗肿瘤实验研究
13.Spectroscopic and Structural Study of Complexes of Aluminium(Ⅲ) with Quercetin;槲皮素与Al(Ⅲ)配位的光谱学研究
14.Treatment with Quercetin Attenuates the Development of Pulmonary Fibrosis;槲皮素治疗小鼠肺纤维化的实验研究
15.Investigation on the Radical Scavenging Effect of Coordination Complex of Quercetin with Vanadium;槲皮素及其氧钒配合物抗氧化性研究
16.Study of complexes of quercetin with Cu(II);槲皮素合铜(Ⅱ)配合物的配位化学研究
17.Determination of Proteins by Enhanced Resonance Light Scattering with Quercetin;槲皮素共振光散射法测定微量蛋白质
18.Determination of Quercetin in Extract of Smilax China L.by HPLCHPLC法测定菝葜提取物中槲皮素的含量

4)quercetin-3,3-dimethyl etherhe槲皮素-3,3'-二甲醚
5)Quercitrin and quercetin槲皮苷和槲皮素
1.Improvement of Synthesis of Quercetin and Genistein Sulfates and Identification by HPLC-MS;槲皮素和金雀异黄素硫酸酯合成方法的改进及其HPLC-MS的鉴定
2.HPLC Determination of Praeruptorin A, Bergenin and Quercetin in Purpose-made Cigarette and its Smoke;HPLC法测定特制卷烟及烟气中的前胡甲素、岩白菜素和槲皮素
3.Detemination of epicatechin,rutin and quercetin in buckwheat by capillary electrophoresis with electrochemical detection;毛细管电泳-电化学检测测定荞麦中表儿茶素、芦丁、槲皮素的含量

磷酸二氢铝 分子式  Al(H2PO4)3 分子量  317.94  CAS号  13530-50-2   无色无味极粘稠的液体或白色粉末。液体相对密度1.44~1.47(25℃)。易溶于水。本品是一种新型的无机合成材料。常温下固化,液体和固体化学结合力强,具有耐高温、抗震、抗剥落、耐高温气流冲刷、红外线吸收能力强和绝缘性能良好等特点。 用途  用作耐火材料的粘合剂。   包装储运  液体产品用聚乙烯塑料桶包装;粉状产品用内衬聚乙烯塑料袋的聚丙烯编织袋包装。 应贮存在通风、干燥的库房中。运输时应防雨防潮。装卸时要轻拿轻放,防止撞击倒置,防止包装破损。 失火时,可用水、砂土、二氧化碳灭火器扑救。