1.Introduction of Avian Energetics;鸟类能量学的学科结构及其发展
2.Comparative Analysis on Energetics of Agro-residues Densification Briquetting Fuel农作物固体废弃物致密成型燃料能量学对比分析

1.invertebrate bioenergetics无脊椎动物生物能量学
2.The flow and transformation of energy within a particular system.能量学一个特定体系的能量流动和转换
3.Chemical changes that give off energy.释放能量的化学变化
4.energy equation in fluid mechanics流体力学的能量方程
5.an endergonic chemical reaction.需要能量的化学反应
6.Basic energy level基本能量水平(心理学)
7.energetics:The study of the flow and transformation of energy.力能学:研究能量的流动及转变的学科.
8.The study of the flow and transformation of energy.力能学研究能量的流动及转变的学科
9.Yielding a large amount of energy upon undergoing chemical reaction.通过化学反应产生大量能量的
10.Measurement of Young modulus of wood and the Materials Mechanics Performance木材弹性模量的测量与材料力学性能
11.There are different forms of energy, such as heat energy, sound energy and chemical energy.有不同形式的能量,如热能,声能和化学能。
12.There is different form of energy, such as heat energy, sound energy and chemical energy.有不同形式的能量, 如热能, 声能和化学能。
13.Make that "energetically less costly," in science-speak.用科学术语来说,直立行走能“节省能量”。
14.CHETAH = Chemical Thermodynamic and Energy Release Evaluation Program化学品热力学和能量释放评价程序
15.To Tap the Abilities of Mathematics Teachers and Improve the Teaching Quality in class;挖掘数学教师能力 提高课堂教学质量
16.Heat is only one of several kinds of energy, and among the other kinds are electric energy, light, chemical energy .热能仅是几种能量中的一种,其他的能有电能、光能、化学能。
17.A single unit that is capable of changing some form of energy, such as chemical energy, radiant energy, or heat into electricity.能把某些能量形式,如化学能、辐射能、热能等,转变成电能的单个装置。
18.To limit the possible values of(a magnitude or quantity) to a discrete set of values by quantum mechanical rules.使量子化用量子力学的规则限制(某个量或量值)的可能值

chemical energy (energy)化学能(能量)
3)subject energy学科能量
1.The subject energy of the vocational P E is divided into three typical theories which is the inteded meaning of the new relations between the mission of vocational education at new era and the demand of society This paper tries to use the modern education view , the modern enterprise s minds and the future P.职教体育的学科能量 ,被分述为三种象征性对象理论 ,是基于新时期职教使命与社会需要新型合作关系之下的意义延伸。
4)chemical energy化学能量
5)energy content of school-running办学能量
1.Based on the characteristics of collegiate ontogeny for the Independent College,the gradual target characters of the energy content of school-running are analyzed and the strategies of energy content of school-running are presented in this paper.从大学发生学特征分析入手,通过分析独立学院的办学能量积累阶段性目标特征,提出了独立学院办学能量积累策略:创办期的独立学院应采用"拥有一个前提,理顺二重关系,突出三个结合"的策略,实现独立学院的跨越式发展;羽化发育期则应采取脚踏实地的课程建设策略、短平快的专业建设策略、"借鸡生蛋"的学科建设策略,全面提高办学实力;进入发展期以后,独立学院应依托民营机制、逐步构建自己的核心竞争力,积极搭建科研平台、全面提高创新能力,着力打造名生、名师、名专业,实现独立学院的可持续发展。
6)chemical quantum energy化学量子能
1.The chemical quantum energy is a new type of energy source between chemical and nuclear energy.化学量子能是处在化学能与核能间的一个新层次。
