1.Language is ordinarily taken to be a conventional systems of rules,and communication by language is then construed to be successful due to the shared language of the participants by convention.人们通常认为,语言是一种约定的规则系统,而语言交流活动之所以可能取得成功,则是因为参与者们共有作为约定的语言。
2.Austin thought, the correspondence relations between statements and world are conventional relations.奥斯汀认为 ,陈述与世界之间的符合关系是一种约定的符合关系。
3.Individual good is an absolute value but that of public life can only be reached through the conventions among individuals.与古典政治哲学不同,人作为有生命的物体,善好并不在于灵魂或肉体的良好构成,而在于生命运动的持续,个体的善好是绝对的,而公共生活的善好或正义只能通过个体之间的约定才能达成一致。

1.agreed (insured) value约定保险价值,约定价值
2.The act of engaging or the state of being engaged约定,预定订约的行为或已定约的状态
3.contract oneself out of约定使自己不受¥的约束
4.committed dose equivalent【核】约定剂量当量
5.constituted or contracted by stipulation or agreement.由契约或者协议制定的、约定的。
6.However, if the parties agree otherwise in the contract, such provision prevails.当事人另有约定的,按照其约定
7.Provided, however, if the partnership admission agreement provides otherwise, such provision shall prevail.入伙协议另有约定的,从其约定
8.The number of tricks thus bid.定约墩数这样竞叫时约定的墩方数目
9.They covenanted to sell only to certain buyers.他们约定只卖给某些特定买主的契约。
10.If the parties prescribed payment of both liquidated damages and a deposit, in case of breach by a party, the other party may elect in alternative to apply the liquidated damages clause or the deposit clause.当事人既约定违约金,又约定定金的,一方违约时,对方可以选择适用违约金或者定金条款。
11.Bank lending over the buyer agreed to default?银行放款超过约定属于买方违约?
12.conventional community契约上的财产共有,约定财产共有
13.The Agreement System on my Marital Property and its Constraints;我国的夫妻财产约定制及其制约因素
14.Pactum legitimum法定简约,钦定简约
15.right to choices [Patients' Charter]决定权〔《病人约章》〕
16.To bind by articles set forth in a contract, such as one of apprenticeship.订约以契约中规定条款约束,如一订约学徒的
17.To bind into the service of another by indenture.以契约约束按契约的规定为另一方服务
18.marriage settlement contract夫妻财产契约[决定财产、继承等之契约

1.After analyzing the legislative situations and shortcomings of the system of guarantee articles period in current China, so some considerations on agreements for guarantee articles period, on the legal consequences when it is up to date and on when it is considered to be the beginning date, have been proposed.我国目前担保物权期间制度的立法现状存在不足,需对担保物权期间制度中的担保期间的约定、期间届满后法律后果以及起算等问题予以重构。
2.The article holds the idea that aesthetics formed through the interaction of objective target and the aesthetic medium, the different aesthetic subjects have the same aesthetic sense toward one aesthetic objective target , which formed from the related aesthetic subjects agreement of aesthetic media .从"美生成于审美中介与客体之互动"的立场出发,不同审美个体面对同一审美客体的共同性美感,生成于审美交往之个体间的审美中介的约定
1.According to the provision of the "Contract Law",if promissory penal sum is lower or excessively higher than the actual loss,the privy could request people s court or arbitration organization to increase or properly decrease the promissory penal sum.依据《合同法》规定,约定的违约金低于或者过分高于造成的实际损失,当事人可以请求人民法院或者仲裁机构予以增加或者适当减少。
2.That promissory is prior to statutory is a significant principle of Contract Law.约定优于法定是合同法的一项重要原则。
5)the agreed damages for breach of contract约定违约金
1.It is consistency to the principle of freedom, which only the agreed damages for breach of contract is stipulated in this article without the legal damages for breach of contract.违约金在中外合同实务中均有广泛的运用,我国合同法第114条对违约金作了专门规定,确定了约定违约金而未规定法定违约金,体现了合同自由原则。
6)quantitative constraint定量约束
