培养方案,training program
1)training program培养方案
1.Study of present situation of professional training program for part of public enterprise management(health management) in China;我国部分公共事业管理专业(卫生事业管理方向)培养方案现状研究
2.Research and Practice of Training Program Reform for Marine Engineering Technology Specialty;轮机工程技术专业培养方案改革研究与实践
3.The amendments of the training program for undergraduate students major in engineering management and its characteristics study;工程管理专业人才培养方案的修订与特色研究

1.Well revision student education plan to enhance intelligent capability;修订人才培养方案 提高人才培养质量
2.Construction of New Talents Education Program and Improvement on the Quality of Talents Education;构建新的人才培养方案 提高人才培养质量
3.On Undergraduates' Education Model of University of Oxford基于培养方案的牛津大学本科生培养模式研究
4.Theoretical Analysis on Reformation of Talent Training Pattern and Training Project人才培养模式与培养方案改革的理论分析
5.Logistics Professionals in Training Programs and Studies--Zhuhai College of Jilin University Logistics Training Program物流专业人才培养方案和研究——吉林大学珠海学院物流培养方案
6.The Exploration and Design of Applied Undergraduate Training Scheme;对应用性本科培养方案的探索与设计
7.On the Cost of Establishing Training Programs for Undergraduates in Colleges and Universities;高校制订本科生培养方案的成本分析
8.Revising talent training program constructing practice teaching system;修订人才培养方案 构建实践教学体系
9.Education Program Research and Practice for Communication Engineering Discipline;通信工程专业培养方案的研究与实践
10.The Design of Ed.D. Cultivation Program;关于教育博士(Ed.D.)培养方案的构想
11.The Study on the Amendent to Training Scheme of Law Major;关于修改《法学专业培养方案》的思考
12.Two-year Educational Systems Numerical Control Specialty Teaching Scheme Development Equipment;两年制数控专业人才培养方案的开发
13.A Scheme for Developing Critical Thinking in Accounting Teaching;会计教学中批判性思维培养方案设计
14.Furthering the Innovation of Speciality Education and Optimizing the Programme of Personnel Training;深化专业教学改革 优化人才培养方案
15.Exploration and Practice of the Talents Training Plan in Higher Voca tional Education;高职教育人才培养方案的探索与实践
16.Educational Program and Curriculum Designation of IT Techno-MBA;IT技术MBA的培养方案与课程安排
17.Discussion on Talents Training Scheme of the Landscape Architecture Specialty of Engineering Course工科风景园林专业人才培养方案探索
18.The Research and Practice of Higher Vocational Professional training program高职专业人才培养方案的研究与实践

training scheme培养方案
1.Rural power professional training scheme under current situation;新形式下农电专业人才培养方案的探索
2.Discussion on Training Scheme of High Rank Vocational and Technical Computer Application Speciality;试论高职计算机应用专业人才培养方案
3.The Research of Training Scheme of PE Teachers with Bachelor Degree for Elementary Schools;体育教育专业小学教育本科培养方案的研究
3)Training plan培养方案
1.Discussion on the training plan of promoting from training school to regular college of architectural civil engineering specialty;建筑工程专业专科升本科培养方案探讨
2.A study on the training plan of new economics speciality in local colleges and universities of finance and economics;找准位置 整体优化 办出特色——地方高等财经院校新经济学专业培养方案研究
3.Revising a training plan and consructing a new curricular system are basic path of reforming deeply quality education and carrying out totally quality education.修订培养方案,构建新的课程体系是进一步深化素质教育改革,全面实施素质教育的根本途径。
4)education program培养方案
1.An exploration on education programme for technical engineering talents in communication engineering speciality;通信工程专业工程技术型人才培养方案探索
2.This paper presents a new education program for the chemical engineering and technology discipline, aiming to cultivate students' innovative ability.21世纪初的"化学工程与工艺"专业人才培养方案以创新人才培养为目标,将化学工程与工艺专业的课程分为六大课程体系,取消了过去同时考虑学时、学分的做法,完全采用学分制,规定了各课程体系的学分及学分比例。
3.After analysing the social requirements for students major in communication engi- neering,we brings forward a new Requirements-Driving method to design education program.通过分析社会对通信工程专业人才的需求,提出了用"需求驱动"来设计专业培养方案的思路,讨论了专业培养方案的培养目标、课程体系设置。
5)cultivating scheme培养方案
1.Reform and implementation of cultivating scheme for credit system of electrical and informational speciality;电气信息类专业学分制培养方案的改革与实施
2.Research and Practice of Cultivating Scheme on Computer Network Students of Vocational College;高职计算机网络专业人才培养方案研究与实践
3.This article, which is based on the research of the need for digital control talent, analyses composition of vocational ability and set up a new cultivating scheme considering the circumstances of our vocational college, so we lay a theoretical foundation for cultivating digital talent for enterprises.本文在对我国数控技术人才需求情况所做调查的基础上,对其职业能力构成进行了认真地分析研究,并结合我院实际情况制定出新的培养方案,为培养适合企业需求的数控技术人才奠定了理论基础。
6)training programs培养方案
1.In this paper,we analyze and study the professional training programs and teaching characteristics of universities in Australia,Switzerland and the United States,which are the developed countries in tourism education.澳大利亚、瑞士、美国是目前世界上旅游教育发达的国家,通过分析研究这些国家著名高校旅游管理专业的培养方案和教学特色,探讨其先进的教育模式和教育理念对我国的借鉴意义,从而促进我国旅游教育水平的改善和提高。
2.We hope it can provide some thinking and reference for perfection of training programs in Physical Education Major of University.本科专业人才培养方案是保证教学质量和人才培养规格的指导性文件,结合吉林体育学院的实践探索,论述了高等体育专业培养方案制定的指导思想、基本原则和特点,为高等体育专业培养方案的完善提供思路和借鉴。

《眉寿堂方案选存》《眉寿堂方案选存》 《眉寿堂方案选存》   医案著作。二卷。清·叶桂撰,郭维浚编。原系抄本,后收入《中国医学大成》中。上卷包括春温、时疠、暑、燥、寒、冬温、疟疾等各类时症;下卷记述妇、儿、痘疹、外科。每类病证之医案均重点介绍辨证立法及处方,辨析疑似之证,掌握各类疾病治法。其中妇科治案记述尤详。现存《中国医学大成》本。