环境权,environmental right
1)environmental right环境权
1.On construction way of environmental right ——the influence of postmodernism on the studying of environmental right;环境权架构的路径探析——兼论后现代主义对环境权研究的影响
2.The Conflict and Harmony of the Economy Developmental Right and Environmental Right;经济发展权与环境权的冲突与协调

1.On the Protection of Environmental Rights of Peasants as a Vulnerable Group;环境权弱势群体:农民的环境权保护
2.Study on the Environment Rights from Civil Law Perspective to Constitution Perspective;从民法上的环境权到宪法上的环境权
3.Analysis on the Environmental Rights Conflicts--Infrospection of the Environmental Rights Constitutionalization;环境权冲突浅析——环境权宪法化反思
4.The Orientation of Environmental Right: From Control over Environment to Environmental Interests Superiority;环境权的本位:从支配环境到环境利益优势
5.The Refusal of Environmental Public Interest Litigation to the Hypothesis of Environmental Right环境公益诉讼对“环境权”说的拒绝
6.charter on environment rights and obligations环境权利与义务宪章
7.The Reconstruction of Environmental Right Theory;环境权理论的重构——读周训芳教授《环境权论》
8.The Nature of Environmental Rights:an Anthropocentric Perspective;论环境权的本质——一种“人类中心主义”环境权
9.Discussion on the Legislation and Cooperation of Environment Administrative Power and Public s Environment Rights;环境行政权与公民环境权的分立与协同
10.Discussion on the Reasonable Position of the Administrative Power and the Civil Environmental Rights in China;我国环境行政权与公民环境权的合理定位
11.Why does the Law of Reality not Provide for Independent Right to Piscatorial Environment?;《物权法》为什么没有规定渔业环境权?
12.On the Elements of the Environmental Right and Its Right Ambit from the Others;论环境权的要素及与其他权利的界限
13.Environmental Rights: Stages of Development in Human Rights;环境权论——人权发展历史分期的视角
14.The Right of Environment and the Constitution -The Constitution implication of the right of environment from the protection of human rights viewpoint;环境权与宪法——从人权保障的观点谈环境权的宪法意涵
15.Out of the Environmental Crisis-- The Introspection of Environmental Property Right Theory;走出困境——对传统环境权学说的反思
16.The Context Evolution of Right and Its Influence upon the Constitutionalization of Environmental Right权利的语境变迁及其对环境权入宪的影响
17.Environment Tort and Enviroment Infringement--And on the Mission of Law of Environment;环境侵权与环境侵害——兼论环境法的使命
18.Establishment of China s environment resource property right system and the environmental protection;环境资源产权制度的构建与环境保护

environmental rights环境权
1.Environmental Rights in Tragic Choices of Resource Allocation——Interest nature of environmental rights from environmental resource allocation资源分配悲剧性选择中的环境权——从环境资源分配角度看环境权的利益属性
2.Forest resources,which contained irreplaceable ecological and spiritual values,are the main vector for people's environmental rights.森林资源具有无法替代的生态价值和精神价值,是实现公民环境权的主要载体。
3)environment right环境权
1.The citizen's environment right is a basic right for modern citizen,thus protection and relief of environment right are significant.公民环境权是现代法治国家公民的一项基本权利,对环境权的保护和救济,具有重大的现实意义。
2.For a long time,debate has it that the nature of environment right is common right or private right and use common law or private law to protect.长期以来,国内产生了对环境权性质是公权利还是私权利以及运用公法保护还是私法保护的争论。
3.Environment right was recognized as basic human rights by international society after half century's academic research and practice, and different countries adopted different legalization mode of environment right.经过近半世纪的理论研究与实践,环境权被国际社会公认为公民的一项基本人权,各国根据国情不同采取不同的环境权法定化模式。
4)environment rights环境权
1.The administration behavior of the administration organization infringes upon the public environment rights repeatedly in the realistic life.行政机关的行政行为侵犯公众环境权的事例在现实生活中屡见不鲜。
2.On the base of analyzing the jurisprudence of environment rights,this article discusses the guarantee and legislative practice of environment rights of minorities in China.本文在分析环境权法理的基础上,对少数民族环境权保障及在我国的立法实践进行了探讨。
3.Some countries regulate environment rights in their constitutions in order to protect it and the environmental sources.环境权是伴随着生态危机的恶化而发展起来的权利概念,对环境权的讨论和研究开始于20世纪60年代初,随后迅速发展,成为环境时代人权的新内容。
5)the environmental right环境权
1.This marks a change of the environmental right from a given right to a legal right.环境权是人的一项应有权利 ,当前 ,环境权开始得到越来越多的人们的认同 ,国际社会以及一些国家开始用立法和法律解释的方式对环境权加以确认 ,这是环境权从应有权利向法定权利的转化。
2.As to the public, the subject enjoying the environmental right to know ,the environmental right to know should include four main aspects: the freedom of knowing enviro.环境知情权是社会公众依法享有知悉、获取环境信息的自由和权利,它不仅是环境权的派生权利,而且也是知情权在环境保护领域的民主行政体现。
6)environmental torts环境侵权
1.The Pilot Study on Environmental Torts Incountryin in China;我国农村环境侵权问题初探
2.The Application and Development of US Nuisance Law for the Remedies of Environmental Torts;美国妨害法在环境侵权救济中的运用和发展
